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Today Americans are health conscious as never before.

CLDAA was formed to present a novel, innovative fun way to attain robust health and group comrade.

Line dancing is unique in that it provides aerobic benefits and mental stimulation at the same time.

Highly skilled coaches conduct each session.

Since CLDAA is a non-profit organization it must depend upon contributions to meet necessary expenses.


The purpose of this letter is to ask you to please contribute to this worthwhile cause.

Please make checks payable to: CLDAA California Line Dance Association of America Please mail your donation to: 90 East Gish Road Suite 21A San Jose Ca 95112-4800

CLDAA is a registered non-profit organization under IRS Code section 501(c)(3), donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. TAX ID#20-1094682

 今日在美國, 大家對健康的身體較以往更為注重。CLDAA美國加州排舞協會 為您們量身打造出一套新穎, 樂趣的方式來獲得健康的身體。排舞課程的特色是因為它同時提供有氧軟身體操和摩登的排舞招式。我們每堂課都有高度熟練的教練來為會員指導。

CLDAA美國加州排舞協會 是一個非盈利性組織它必須取決於大眾的貢獻來支付必要的費用。您所捐贈的款項對本會是非常珍貴而且可以減稅的。

謝謝您對CLDAA美國加州排舞協會 的貢獻與支持。


請支票台頭請寫: CLDAA 美國加州排舞協會

請郵寄您的捐贈: 262 Gish Road. San Jose Ca 95112-4800 Get Direction

CLDAA美國加州排舞協會 是一個登記在聯邦稅務局的非盈利性組織在聯邦稅務局代碼為501(c)(3), 其捐贈之款額可獲聯邦稅務局的全額減稅。本會登記帳號號碼是ID#20-1094682


Resolution of Commendation on April 5, 2005

200 W. Headding St San Jose County of Santa Clara

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262 East Gish Road. San Jose CA 95112-4800   Tel: 408-453-9119    Fax: 408-453-1142