CLDAA ChiChiLin 林斯琦
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CLDAA Chi Chi Lin-General Affairs Officer/ CLDAA Website Host/Board Director 214-908-6248
美國加州排舞協會(CLDAA)於2004年4月5日由總會長林貴香和幾位共同創辦人 , 葛光愛, 李節操, 鄭亞瑾, 宋珮琪, 和林斯琦的同心協力, 不惜辛勞, 愛心奉獻及全力推廣, 其宗旨是舞出健康,舞出快樂,舞出燦爛的人生。由於排舞運動娛人娛己,簡單易學,有趣又有益健康,自成立以來在美國加州灣區迅速發展,不但在華裔社區深受歡迎,亦為主流社會所接受。該協會的成就曾受聖荷西市議會,聖他克拉縣參事會的表揚。排舞協會如今在灣區每週有24堂課分別在20個地點授課,美國加州排舞協會是一個非營利的團體 (501-c3) ,從創立的6個學生到2004年達到300多人,2005年更發展到830多人。現在己經擁有2500個會員。林貴香會長和熱心的教練群及會員們常常義務為老人中心、圖書館、華人運動大會、各社團的年會、國際體育比賽、應邀做慈善活動表演。美國加州排舞協會組織健全,教練團充滿愛心,會員們俱有高度和堅定的團結心。會長林貴香與教練們精心設計的排舞講求由頭至腳的全方位運動。目前在美國北加州聖荷西、山景城、庫比蒂諾、紐瓦克等城市,共計有二十個定點,由專門教練教導排舞。排舞源自美國西部鄉村舞曲,融合歐洲宮廷與南美拉丁舞步風格獨特, 舞曲旋律優美,舞蹈動作曼妙,除了傳統的西部牛仔排舞外,更編出美妙的探戈、恰恰、華爾滋、倫巴、騷莎、禧哈等的排舞是與眾不同的!節奏活潑,是一項可以在任何地點,任何時間,不需舞伴,男女老少皆宜的全民運動。深受會員們的喜愛。
該協會自成立以來,廣受各界人士的喜好,現應美國德州Dallas, Texas排舞愛好者的需求,謹定於八月起每星期一, 三晚上八點到九點於4848 Belt Line Road Dallas TX 75254 由林斯琦女士教授排舞,設立第二十一個排舞協會教學地點,歡迎喜愛舞蹈運動的朋友踴躍報名參加。凡欲參加者須先申請入會,新會員年會兩百二十元,另排舞教材制服三十元,共計兩百五十元,地點 14848 Belt Line Road Dallas TX 75254 詳情請上網查詢 www.cldaa.org或電214-908-6248 ,深信排舞會讓您舞出健康、舞出快樂、舞出燦爛的人生。
基本排舞術語 Line Dance Terminology Chi Chi Lin林斯琦
Applejack(1 count) feet slightly apart with weight on the heel of one foot and the ball
of the other foot, (1)swivel toe and heel respectively out, (&)both feet back to center
ready to change weight. For example, Left Applejack – place weight on left heel and
right toe, swivel left toe and right heel toward left side. Return feet to center.
Ankle Rock (2 counts) with feet crossed and ankles locked, (1)rock weight onto
forward foot. (2)return weight to back foot [aka Ankle Roll]
Ball Change(1 count) (&)step onto the ball of the designated foot, (1)change weight
onto the other foot. Often accompanied by a previous step, e.g. kick-ball-change.
Brush (1 count) (1)use the ball of the designated foot to brush the floor as the foot
swings forward (or back) passing the other foot.
Cha-Cha (2 counts) three steps in place done to two beats of music. [aka Triple Step]
Similar to a Shuffle, however, it is done on the spot unlike latter which travels.
Charleston(4 counts) (1)step the designated foot forward, (2)kick the other foot
forward, (3)step back with the kicking foot, (4)touch the first foot back.
Charleston Kick (4 counts) Same as Charleston except the order is kick, together,
touch, together.
Chasse(2 counts) (1)step the designated foot to side, (&)step the other foot next to it,
(2) step the first foot again to side. If starting with right foot, move toward right side
and vice versa.
Close (1 count) (1)step the designated foot next to the other foot.
Coaster Step(2 counts) (1)step the designated foot back, (&)step the other foot next
to it, (2)step the first foot forward. Sometimes may travel forward first and then
Cross Shuffle(2 counts) (1)cross the designated foot over the other foot, (&)step the other foot slightly to the side, (2)again
cross the first foot over the other foot.
Cross Unwind (2 counts) (1)cross the designated foot in front of (or behind) the other foot, (2)unwind on balls of feet and
turn the designated angle(can be ¼, ½, ¾, or full turn) and finish weight onto the first foot.
Fan • Heel Fan (1 count) (1)move the designated heel outward pivoting on ball of foot, and (&)back.
• Toe Fan (1 count) (1)move the designated toe outward pivoting on heel, and (&)back.
Grapevine(3 counts) (1)step the designated foot to the side, (2)cross the other foot at back, (3)step the first foot again to
the side. Normally followed by a Touch, Close, Kick, Stomp, Scuff, etc.
Heel Grinds (2counts) (1)step designated heel forward, toe pointing to the opposite side, (2)grind the heel into floor,
fanning toes from the opposite side to the matching side and taking weight.
Heel Jack(2 counts) (&)step foot diagonally back, (1) touch the other heel diagonally forward, (2)step down the heeled foot
and touch the other foot together. For example, Left Heel Jack: Step diagonally back right foot. Touch left heel diagonally
forward left. Step left into center. Touch/step right foot beside left foot.
Heel Pivot (1 count) normally on the spot, (1)pivoting the designated foot outward and (&)back.
Heel Splits (2 counts) keep weight on balls of feet, (1)move both heel out to opposite sides, and then (2)back together
Heel Swivels (2 counts) keep weight on balls of feet, (1)move both heels toward the same side, and then(2)back to center.
Heel Swivels(4 counts) (1)fan right toe to right and left heel to left(2)return feet to place change weight to left heel and
right toe, (3)fan left toe to left and right heel to right, (4)return feet to place.
Hip Bump (1 count) (1)bump hips to the designated direction.
Hitch (1 count) (1)lift the knee with weight on the opposite foot.
Hook (1 count) (1)lift one foot and cross it in front of the supporting leg.
Hop (1 count) (1)spring into the air taking off and landing with same foot.
Jazz Box(4 counts) For example, Right Jazz Box: step right foot across in front of left, step left foot back, step right foot to
right side, step left foot next to right. Also can be done leading with left foot, i.e. start by crossing left foot in front of right
Jump (1 count) (1) jump forward or backward taking off and landing with both feet at the same time
Kick Ball Change(2 counts) As an example, starting with right foot, (1) kick right foot forward, (&) step onto ball of right
foot next to left foot and lift left foot slightly off the floor, (3) replace left foot onto floor on the same spot. Can start with
either foot.
Knee Pops(2 counts) with weight on the other foot, (1)push the designated knee forward by lifting the heel off floor with
the ball of foot remaining in contact with the floor, (2)straighten knee and drop the heel. Maybe done in syncopated
基本排舞術語 Line Dance Terminology Chi Chi Lin林斯琦
Mambo Step(2 counts) (1)step the designated foot in the designated direction, (&)lift the other foot and replace it back
down on the same place, (2)step the first foot back next to the other foot. Can start with either foot and toward front, back or
to the sides.
Monterey Turn (4 counts) unless specified otherwise, Monterey Turn is always a ½ turn. But it may be ¼, ¾, or full. For
example, Right Monterey Turn: (1)touch right toe to right side, keep weight on left foot. (2)make ½ turn over your right
shoulder and step right foot next to left taking the weight onto right foot, (3)touch left toe out to left side, (4)step left foot
besides right with weight on the left foot. Also can be done leading with left foot, i.e. start by touching left toe to left side
Paddle Turn (varies) a turn either left or right, using a series of ball changes with the weight staying over the turning foot.
Pencil Turn(1 count) with lead foot slightly forward, (1)turn in direction of lead foot while either dragging toes of opposite
foot just behind heel of lead foot while turning (or holding the toes of the opposite foot just off the ground). turn ends with
toes of opposite foot touching beside instep of lead foot. Turn can be any angle, even greater than a full turn. Usually
completed within one beat, but sometimes done over two or more beats.
Pivot Turn (2 counts) unless specified otherwise, a pivot turn is always a 1/2 turn. (1)step the opposite foot forward, then
(2)turn 180° on the balls of both feet in the designated direction and return weight to first foot. For example, Right ½ Pivot:
step forward on left foot, make a ½ turn over your right shoulder, finish with weight on right foot facing the wall that was
behind you.
Reverse Pivot Turn (2 counts) (1)touch designated foot behind, and (2)turn 180° in the direction of designated foot.
Rhonde(2 counts) (1,2)sweep the designated toe in half circle from front to back.
Rumba Box (8 counts) can be started with either left or right foot. As an example, starting with right foot, (1)step forward
on right foot, (2)touch left toe next to right, (3)step left foot to left side, (4)step right foot next to left, (5)step back on left foot,
(6)touch right toe next to left, (7)step right foot to right side, (8)touch left toe next to right
Running Man (2 counts) (1)step forward the designated foot, (&)hitch the designated knee and scoot the foot back,
(2,&)repeat with the other foot.
Rock (1 count) (1)transfer weight from one foot to the other
Rock Recover (2 counts) (1)step the designated foot in the designated direction using a rocking-like motion, (2)rocking
back onto the other foot.
Sailor Step(2 counts) (1)step one foot back behind the other foot, (&)step the other foot to the side, (2)step the starting
foot down [CLDAA nick named Back-Side-Step]
Shimmy (varies) fast, alternating shoulder movements, as left shoulder moves forward, the right shoulder moves back.
Scuff (1 count) as Brush but make contact with heel on floor
Shuffle(2 counts) (1)step the designated foot in the designated direction, (&)step the other foot besides the first, (2)step the
first foot in the same direction again. [aka Chasse when done to the side]
Slide (1 count) with the weight on the other foot, (1)drag or slide one foot toward the weighted foot. Can be done with
longer counts.
Step (1 count) (1)place foot on floor and take weight onto it
Stomp (1 count) (1)stomp the foot on the floor to make a loud sound. Weight remains on the other foot (Caution: stomp too
hard may hurt your foot)
Stroll(3 counts) (1)step the designated foot forward, (2)cross other foot behind, (3)step the first foot forward. Often done to
the diagonal.
Strut • Heel Strut (2 counts) (1)place the designated heel forward on floor, then (2)drop toe onto floor. Maybe done in
various directions.
• Toe Strut (2 counts) (1)place toe forward or backwards on floor, then (2)heel onto floor taking weight onto foot
Sugarfoot(2 counts) (1)touch lead toe to instep of other foot, (2)touch heel of lead foot to instep of other foot.
Switches • Heel Switches (2 counts) (1)touch the designated heel forward, (&)return the designated foot besides the
other foot, (2,&) repeat with the other foot.
• Toe Switches (2 counts) (1)touch the designated toe to side, (&)step the designated foot in place, (2,&)repeat
with the other foot.
Touch (1 count) (1)touch toe or heel to ground but don’t put any weight on it [aka Tap]
Twinkle Steps(2 counts) (1)step the designated foot across in front of the other foot, (&)step opposite foot to side, (2) step
the first foot besides the other foot.
Unwind Turn(2 beats) (1)cross the designated foot in front of the other foot, (2)make a ¼, ½, ¾, or full turn in the opposite
direction of whichever foot is crossed. Weight may end on either foot depending on the specific dance.
Weave(4 counts) as an example, Left Weave: (1)cross right foot in front of left, (2)step left foot to left side, (3)step right
foot back behind left, (4)step left foot to left side.