STUF 紐約社區報世台基金會慈善餐會特別報導

Sincere appreciation to everyone’s support, including guests and volunteers who joined the charity gala, thank you all for making a difference and for bringing the love from Taiwan to more people in the world.  Thank you to the artists and donors who participated in the artwork auction.  Glad that we had the chance to share the charity projects with honorable guests such as Ambassador Paul Chang from TECO-NY, Deputy Consul General Yoshizane Ishii from Japan Consulate General in New York, Consul Kerwin Tate from Philippine Consulate General in New York, and Consul Dion van Tonder from South African Consulate General in New York.

Dear friends of STUF United Fund,
世台聯合基金會於7月18日在紐約舉辦了首場社區募款餐會,誠摯感謝大家的支持,包括參與慈善餐會的三百多位嘉賓與義工,以及未能與會的朋友們以捐款支持。慈善餐會嘉賓包括紐約經文處章文樑大使以及日本駐紐約領事館副總領事 Yoshizane Ishii、菲律賓駐紐約領事館領事 Kerwin Tate、南非駐紐約領事館領事Dion van Tonder等。同時也感謝參與藝術品義賣的藝術家與社區朋友們。世台繼續秉持慈善公益,讓愛心在世界各地點燃更多的光亮。
Charity in Action
Fundraising for Formosa Fun Coast explosion 緊急救助台灣粉塵暴燃
世台聯合基金會針對台灣八仙樂園發生的嚴重粉塵爆炸事件,發起緊急募款,敬請您共同參與,捐款金額大小不拘,都能發揮愛心幫助傷者。此次是台灣有史以來造成最多人同時被嚴重灼傷的意外事故,造成500多人受傷,死亡人數目前10人,尚有107人命危。感謝基金會董、監事捐款,已募得$35,500美元,呼籲社區朋友們響應,於8月15日完成募款,將款項送交僑委會代轉新北市政府。捐款請聯絡基金會總幹事黃怡妙, 電話 914-433-0415。Please join us to help the victims of the Formosa Fun Coast explosion, an accident in Taiwan that injured more than 500 people, among them 10 have passed away and 107 people are still in critical condition.  Any amount of donation will be helpful to the immediate health need and long-term recovery of the victims. Please contact STUF United Fund by August 15th to make a donation.


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