Line Dance 排舞,是排排跳的舞蹈,舞步是由世界各國著名的編舞者,根據音樂的旋律及個人風格編寫而成的;舞者排成一行或多行,一起跳同一首舞步,目前排舞已經被列為世界上最受歡迎的社區活動之一,早期的排舞大多採用鄉村音樂,而現今已融入如探戈、華爾茲、拉丁、倫巴、踢踏舞及HIP-HOP…等流行音樂。本協會在各社區熱情推廣,在優美的音樂旋律帶動下,大家跟隨音樂跳出一致的舞步,老少咸宜,不需要舞伴又能結交新的朋友,使您身心愉快,忘記煩憂;在享受跳舞樂趣的同時亦能健康身體,帶給社區全新的運動風貌,使您充滿熱情、健康有勁,想學浪漫的舞步嗎?歡迎您成為排舞協會的會員!
Through the art of line dancing, CLDAA is promoting exercise, health and enjoyment for people of all ages.
“Dance for Health, Dance for Happiness, and Dance for a Colorful Life.
Every CLDAA member will need to be respectful of all other members, teachers and staff. CLDAA will not tolerate any physical or verbal abuse, including “name calling” or “bullying” by any member. If a member disrupts the harmony of the class, he/she will be asked to leave immediately. All members must also show respect to the class, teachers and property. CLDAA will not tolerate any intentional disruption of the class nor damage of the property. All CLDAA teachers will make sure the classroom is a safe and harmonic environment by upholding these rules and regulations. If a member does not abide by these rules they may be asked to discontinue dance classes permanently without a refund. At any time, CLDAA reserves the right to refuse service based on the above mentioned.