Due to the rapidly spreading of Omicron variant at this time, CLDAA should not put ourselves and our members at risk. Therefore, we are postponing our lifetime members’ workshops on 1/15 and 1/29 until further notice. Thank you.
The dance class is 2-hour long; after a 20-minute warmup, participants will then dance past dances after a quick review. Lastly, there will be a detailed review of one recent dance. Please scroll down to the end of this page for the links to the list of dances for the upcoming workshop.
Class Location
CLDAA HQ (262 E. Gish Rd, San Jose, CA)
Fully COVID-19 vaccinated Lifetime members with confirmed registration shown on CLDAA final attendees list.
Registration Rule
CLDAA will send out monthly EventBrite email invitations. Registrations will be processed on first-come-first-serve basis.
Note that CLDAA reserves the right to cancel members’ reservations for the 2nd class in the event of overbooking to accommodate other members who are not able to sign up for the month. Please check the final attendee list a week before the class for the final result.
Class Safety Regulations & Guidelines
All class attendees must present a valid member ID card. (Only confirmed lifetime members are allowed to enter the facility. No drop-ins.)
Masks are required at all time inside the facility.
Please check-in between 9:45am – 10:15am, no admission afterwards
All class attendees must be fully vaccinated (Proof of full vaccination is required on your 1st attendance in exchange for a CLDAA validation sticker).
All class attendees will be screened for COVID-19 symptoms and have temperature taken before class.
Bring your own water and no food is allowed.
Follow all Regulations & Guidelines and Class Protocol.
If your answer is yes to any of the following questions, please do NOT attend classes.
Have you experienced any of the following symptoms in the past 48 hours (fever, chills, cough, difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle/body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea)?
Within the past 14 days, have you been in close physical contact (6 feet or closer for at least 15 minutes) with anyone who has any symptoms consistent with COVID-19 (see above)?
Within the past 14 days, have you been in close physical contact (6 feet or closer for at least 15 minutes) with a person who is known to have confirmed COVID-19?
Have you travelled internationally in the last 14 days?
Password: 361484 by entering the password, I hereby acknowledge that I voluntarily participate in the programs and activities conducted by the California Line Dance Association of America. I understand and am fully aware of the risks and hazards involved with the activities that require physical exertion that may cause physical injury, and it is my responsibility to consult with a physician prior to and regarding my participation in all of the activities mentioned. I agree to assume full responsibility for any risks, injuries, and/or any type of damages, known or unknown which I might incur as a result of participating in any and/or all activities and events with the California Line Dance Association of America.
I knowingly, voluntarily, and expressly agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless California Line Dance Association of America, its board of directors, agents, employees, and associates from and against any loss, expense, liability, damage, and claim, suit, or judgment arising from, or in connection with my successors, assigns, heirs, executors and administrators, and any other person or entities who/which may have a claim based on my personal injury, including death, and/or property damage. I further agree that this hold harmless and indemnification shall apply to any and all facilities with the California Line Dance Association of America. Should any dispute arise that we are unable to resolve through negotiation or the use of third-party mediation, the undersigned agrees to submit to resolution by arbitration in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association. IN AGREEING TO ARBITRATION, I ACKNOWLEDGE THAT IN THE EVENT OF A DISPUTE OVER FEES, EACH OF US IS GIVING UP THE RIGHT TO HAVE THE DISPUTE DECIDED IN A COURT OF LAW BEFORE ANY JUDGE OR JURY AND INSTEAD ARE ACCEPTING THE USE OF ARBITRATION FOR RESOLUTION. The prevailing party shall be entitled to the allowance of a reasonable attorney’s fee and other costs of such action. If the foregoing is in accordance with your understanding, please sign below in the space provided and return this letter to us at your earliest convenience.
See you at the Zoom video meeting this Thursday night. Zoom Video Meeting in the comfort of YOUR OWN HOME To participate in our online classes, please follow the following steps:
First-Time Join Please Sign the waiver form below.
First-Time Join Please Submit the signed waiver form. CLDAA is not liable for individuals participating in these classes without signing the enclosed waiver form.
2/1-2/8, 2021 The UAE, Qatar & Bahrain Cruise 8 days 7 nights / 阿聯酋、卡塔爾、巴林八天遊輪之旅 Jewel of the Seas海洋珠寶號
Ready to get down in the desert on a cruise? Yes, the coming CLDAA Fun Trip will be on a 7-night cruise trip from Dubai, year 2021, from February 1st to February 8th. Booking starts now! The cruise ship deck plan and booking form with instructions are attached. – Availability is on a first come first serve basis. – Air tickets, airport transportation, shore excursions, insurance, and gratuities are not included in this booking. – Various land excursions are offered by the cruise company. Click below for details. https://www.royalcaribbean.com/cruises/7NightArabianGulfCruise-JW07U076/excursions?currencyCode=USD&sAccessibility=false&singleSailingMode=false– Optional land tour package information from Travel Design is also attached for your reference.
We look forward for another remarkable fun trip with CLDAA big family. Feel free to invite your friends along for the desert fun!
ADVENTURE STARTS HERE2/1-2/8, 2021 The UAE, Qatar & Bahrain Cruise 8 days 7 nights /阿聯酋、卡塔爾、巴林八天遊輪之旅Cruising to Dubai , United Arab Emirates | Doha , Qatar | Bahrain , Bahrain | Sir Bani Yas , United Arab Emirates | Abu Dhabi , United Arab Emirates | Dubai , United Arab Emirates | Dubai , United Arab Emirateson Jewel of the Seas 海洋珠寶號
Jewel of the Seas is a Radiance classcruise ship operated by Royal Caribbean. The ship was completed in the spring of 2004 with her maiden voyage in May of that year. Jewel of the Seas initially operated cruises from Rome (Civitavecchia), Italy, to the Greek Isles until in November 2016, the ship repositioned to cruising from San Juan, Puerto Rico to Caribbean destinations. As of August 2019, the ship has gone back to Greek isle cruises.[3] In April 2016, Jewel of the Seas completed
Optional Excursion Package by TravelDesign USA
(Costs extra, price will be announced once available)
Below summarized several conversations in finding further details,
– Please note cabin assignment is first come first served. Early booking will get cabin at higher floor (start from Deck 10 for Balcony, Deck 9 for inside). When Deck 9 reservation booked, will go down to Deck 8, and down. The lowest cabin floor at Deck 2. – If the reserved cabins are booked, will have to book Category 1V, pricing $794.29 for now, ($66.97 more than 2V, with the same cabin size 170 sqft, but possible to have 3rd and 4th guests). Price may increase, as this is not on the reserved list. – There is no 3rd and 4th guests option in the booking form, as the price varies from time to time. Due to the fluctuation, Travel Design is not able to set the information on the form. As mentioned, 3rd and 4th guests options will be available with different cabin Category, which are not in the reserved list. Whoever request for 3rd and 4th guests cabin shall contact Gerry directly.
By ChiHsian Chung (吉祥 即想)
老友 Taipei 鼓勵我寫下學排舞的心路歷程, 寫文章對當年學術股長的他是易如反掌, 對我則有如回小學繳作文的夢懨. Anyway, 趕鴨子上架, 就當作少時了了, 老來的懲罰. 也是一种自我挑戰.我是個落入「空巢族」多年, 日夜工作打拼的矽谷工程師. 去年有幸又冠上「提前退休族」的頭銜. 大學以前是個依父母期望努力用功的書呆子, 學跳舞又要牽女生手的那种事, 就不用想了. 一年前老婆參加了加州排舞協會的運動, 看她每晚下班, 又是舞鞋又是舞衣, 興致勃勃的趕場, 回來香汗淋瀝. 幾個月下來, 不知為什麼, 她不但身心健康大躍進, 人也變漂亮了. 樂得我不辭辛勞, 天天上廚打點晚餐侍候. 但腦子裡, 因工程師好奇心的天性, 一直想尋找答案, 親身探個究竟? 但不好意思說….三個月前, 老婆居然極力鼓勵, 邀我下海. 我在半推半就下, 也就正式踏上一輩子都不敢想的舞者行列, 將自己由網路「老宅男」提升為陽光的「快樂族」. 第一次報到, 是懷著少女出嫁, 期待惶恐, 喜悅害羞交織的心情, 坐著老婆的車上路的. 一進舞場, 煞見滿場娘子大軍, 也不敢多看, 低著頭跟在老婆後, 找個空間定位. 接著做十五分鐘的舒筋操, 也順便定心觀四方…. 才發現, 還有三個男士在場! 場上眾女士們是, 個個健康陽光. 教練及助教練們就不用說了. 好不容易安下的心, 排舞一開始才知大勢不妙. 排舞每節八步, 一舞多節, 第一個八步還好, 教練示範到第三個八步, 第一個八步全還她了. 還好人多好混, 第一天就在跟「學妹學弟」脫節的韻律下, 搖得汗流夾背結束了. 老實說, 雖然我當場就愛上了這個不需牽女生手的排舞, 但第一堂是帶著尷尬及挫折感離場的.既然愛上了它, 我就以矽谷工程師, 無懼無恐, 日夜打拼的精神往前走. 上完課做筆記, 上網查資料, 提早進場, 虛心求教前輩及拜託老師們惡補, 並尋找地盤, 讓自己環繞在高手中間, 四方借鏡, 好跟著擺. 反正就是無所不用其極. 幾次的觀察, 瞭解到每個人在跳舞現場都專心一致, 顧好節拍, 根本沒法發現我是慢三拍的菜鳥. 尷尬感也在第三堂就煙消雲散了. 一個月下來, 老婆還發現我為了記好每節八步, 一舞多節的順序排列, 腦子靈光了不少. 老婆的稱讚使我信心大增, 從此以後, 我就抱著快樂的心境, 期待這每天一小時的身心提昇運動的來臨.以前總覺得排舞擺腰曳臀, 是女生的玩意. 其實排舞對男生好處真的很多; 健身冶心, 強化記憶, 既沒有一般跳舞需牽女生手的尷尬, 也不失如浴春風的感覺. 只要一個小時在韻律擺動的交織下, 就可動得汗流夾背, 且心曠神怡. 此外, 排舞對消除啤酒腰有奇效. 我跳了三個月的排舞, 因腰圍恢復而省下的換褲錢, 比排舞協會一年的年費還多. 据考, 有女會員, 加入排舞運動一陣子後, 衣服尺寸, 就從 14 號 降到 Petite 級. 難怪我們的教練說: 「跳排舞, 女的會變美女,男的會變帥哥」. 我剛開始加入時,男生好像稀有動物, 最近數了一下出現的男士, 好像已超過十位. 所以我們慢慢也將失去因「物以稀為貴」而得到的厚愛, 看來需要「自強不息」了.由於團隊和諧, 除了運動, 成員有時也不免, 放下身段, 輕鬆開些玩笑. 前陣子有個教練說: 她以一支「10 minutes」為曲的排舞, 差點迷死「老公」. 我也請求「主教練」幫我們男生創作一支可以迷死「老婆」的舞子. 這個月的新舞叫「如雷打」Cha Cha Ruleta, 特難! 第一輪, 在一片人海中, 學得霧煞煞. 第二輪, 是趕鴨子上架, 昏頭轉向. 第三輪, 還好, 大概只慢眾教練三到五拍. 我的期望是第四輪, 可以跟著隊伍擺. 舞雖難, 但美. 跳完後, 汗出得也多. 私底下我認為這 「如雷打」是「操兵舞」, 特別適合男士. 我也不懼艱難, 反覆練習, 漸入佳境. 老婆舞齡多我一年, 但在這支「如雷打」上是甘拜下風. 回了家, 還拜託我教她, 讓我有十足成就感. 排舞真的是「空巢族」夫妻一起參加的最佳運動. 可擺脫在家, 大眼瞪小眼的場面.還有, 信不信由您, 大概因為持續的排舞運動, 加州排舞協會的教練及助教練們都是; 健康活潑, 快樂友善, 個個看似二十來歲的「中年留學主婦」. 排舞真的可舞出健康,舞出快樂,舞出燦爛的人生! 如您對這排舞記述產生共震, 在網路上可有許許多多寶貴資料. 譬如…初學者簡介: http://www.mahalo.com/how-to-line-dance 排舞腳步總匯: http://www.copperknob.co.uk/ 我覺得排舞的快樂, 在於團動的韻律感及團員間的互動學習, 所以加入排舞協會, 讓自己有個固定的時間, 投入健身活動, 見見朋友, 是最佳的安排.我是加入加州排舞協會. 它的網址是 www.cldaa.org 若在台北是 http://www.taipeilinedance.twmail.net/ My Line Dance Journey – The First Three Months Through the encouragement of my classmate, who was the leader of art and literature extra curriculum in our high school class, I divulge on public Blog forthe first time in my life about a personal sensation – my journey in Line Dance. After dedicating more than 30 years to the high-tech industry in Silicon Valley and coaching my kids to become independent, I recently earned an “early retiree” title. Initially, a sudden loss in the excitement generated from daily contributions at work left me depressed. Luckily, it did not take long after I refined my life-value from accomplishing paid-job-related services to giving toward myself, my loved ones and community. Prior to college, I was daddy and mommy’s nice kid; studying very hard to meet their expectations. Extracurricular activities such as dancing (that requires holding the hand of girl) would only be a dream. A year ago, my wife joined the California Line Dance Association and started the hour-long daily exercise. To my surprise, within few months into her exercise, she looked like a different person both on her health and beauty. Out of curiosity, I always wanted to know the reason behind it, but was shy to bring it up on the table …. In the beginning of this year, after one of her after-dance dinners, she asked me if I would like to join her in the line dance club. Although I agreed reluctantly, I felt as if I had hit the lotto. This started my inconceivable dancing adventure. I can still vividly remember my first day. My wife was driving us to my first lesson, and I felt joyful and anxious but also a little uncertain, much like the mixed emotions of a girl getting married. We were late that night. So as soon as we walked into the dance room, there were already an overwhelmingly massive number of ladies filling the dance floor. Embarrassed, I followed my wife into the room with my head down, and managed to find a space to stand. During the first 15 minutes of the stretching workout, I parked around the room and to my relief found two other men. The ladies on the dance floor all looked healthy and bright, needless to say about the coaches and assistant coaches. The nervous mind that settled down during the stretching section was re-agitated as soon as the line dance exercise began. It turned out that Line dance is a multi-section dance with eight-count steps in each section. Some have as many as 8 or more sections. After coach moved on to teach the third section, I had completely forgotten the first section. There was no way for me to follow except to shake and struggle to move my body around. Fortunately, nobody on the dance floor noticed my awkwardness because everyone was focused on his/her own steps. An hour passed, and my first class ended in a catch-up mode lacking behind young classmates’ footsteps. Honestly, although I instantly fell in love with this female-dominated dance, I left the class with embarrassment and frustration.Being intrigued by the dance, I committed myself with the fearless spirit of a Silicon Valley engineer. I worked very hard; this includes note taking after-class, studying reference materials from online surfing, practicing at home, and reviewing before-class with predecessors and assistant coaches. I also arrived early to position myself around skillful classmates so that I could gain references in all four quarters during dance. I eventually discovered that, because everyone had to concentrate on the dance-beat during exercise, there was no embarrassment of being a fresh member. And the awkward mindset I had in the beginning went away quickly. After a month into the exercise, my wife applauded my memory enhancement – due mainly to the repeated use of the brain to remember the sequence of multiple sections in the dance. With her praise and my passion, I became anxious to look forward for this one-hour physical and mentalen lightening exercise every day.It was my misunderstanding that line dance is nothing but a hip and waist swing stuff – a female-only exercise until I personally experienced it. After three months of participation, I have to say that the intensive rhythmic movement underline dance music is a great exercise for men, not only on physical improvement but also for mind enrichment. It is also an amazing prescription for killing beer-tummy syndrome. It was a delight that I saved more money for not needing to upgrade all of my pants with a larger waist size than the money I had to pay for the CLDAA annual membership. According to an insider story, there was a female member who dropped her clothing size from 14 to Petite after continued line dancing for over a year. No wonder one of our coaches said, “The Line Dance can make women pretty and men handsome.” When I first started, male members were so scarce that every one was treated as well-protected rare species. Lately, I have noticed more than 10 men showing up routinely. It is inevitable that I need to work even harder before our special rare-species’ right is taken away. Aside from exercise, members also enjoy friendship and humorous conversations in the dance class. On one occasion, one of our coaches told us one of her secrets that she used the CLDAA designed dance “10 minutes” to awe her husband almost to death. I have pleaded our “seed coach” to create an equivalent dance that allows male members to magnetize their wives.This month’s new dance is called Cha Cha Ruleta (pronounced”thundering hit” in Chinese). It is a very hard advanced dance. It took me three lessons to start following coach’s teaching, but still 3 to 5 counts behind her steps. Although difficult, it is a beautiful and great work-out dance. Personally, I treat this “thundering hit” dance a perfect exercise for men due to its intensive and fast-paced turning movement. I repetitively practiced it with great effort and eventually became better on this dance than my wife who joined line dance one year earlier than me. It was a great feeling of achievement. Joining CLDAA for line dance has been the best decision for me and my wife this year. I strongly recommend it particularly for those couples whose children have grown up and started their own lives.Finally, it is amazing that, probably because of their continued line dance exercises, the coaches and assistant coaches inCalifornia Line Dance Association are all very healthy, happy and friendly; all looked in their 20s’ even though they are “middle-age study-abroad housewives”. Line dance really can make the dream of dancing into a healthy, happy, and brilliant life true. If you are motivated to learn what the line dance is, there are plenty of references on the web.
√ First adventure-themed hotel in Taiwan offers you brand new experience!【Hotel Cham Cham】。
√ The magical creativity of nature【Taroko National Park】
√ Taiwanese aboriginal heritage, An amusement park【Formosan Aboriginal Culture Village】
Day1: Arrival (Taoyuan) → Check in Chuto Plaza Hotel
Day2: Hotel Buffet →Yilan →Jing Tong old street (release sky lantern on your own expenses) →Pass through Snow Mountain Tunnel → Jimi Square、Diudiudang Forest →Jiaoxi →Hot Spring Resort
Day3: Take the Train to Hualien →Taroko Nationa Park-Taroko Memorial Arch Building, INFO/ Buluowan →Lingzhi Tea Hal →Taitung →Rainbow Resort (Outdoors need to bring your own swimming suits and caps)
Day4: Taitung →Pass though South Link Highway →Kaohsiung → Fo Guang Shan Buddha Museum → Pearl center →Ten Drum Culture Village →Tainan →Check in Cham Cham Hotel * Enjoy on-site facilities →Hotel meal
Day5: Tainan →Fishing – Osprey Feeding Show → Takagism → Lake Tourist →Nantou → Formosan Aboriginal Culture Village →Sun Moon Lake →Wen Wu Temple →Taichung → Fengjia Night Market
Day6: Taichung→Taipei→Tienlu Handicraft Center→ Check in Hotel→Dihua Street Dance Show
Day7: Free & Easy or Join Optional Tour
($North Coast – Yangmingshan、Yeliu、Wan Li Day Tour include lunch$)
Day8: Free & Easy
Day9: Taipei / National anniversary Ceremony at presidential palace square / Free & Easy / End of tour / Departure to Airport
Grand Princess is a Grand-class cruise ship owned by Princess Cruises. Built-in 1998 by Fincantieri Cantieri Navali Italiani in Monfalcone, Italy, with hull number 5956, at a cost of approximately US$450 million.
位於巴扎(Baja)半島南部的最頂端。太平洋和科蒂海(Sea of Cortez)的海水在這裡交匯。歷史上這裡卻曾是海盜的大本營。經受長期的侵蝕和風化,這裡的海岸遍布著大大小小的岩洞石孔,便於海盜掩藏打劫來的不義之財;密密麻麻的明礁暗道,也有利於海盜躲避官兵的追捕。現在,海盜已經成為歷史,而這裡一年四季溫和的氣候,豐富的海產,清澈湛藍的海水,細軟的沙灘和奇特美麗的景觀,特別是海鳥、海豹棲息在海上的許多怪石之上,讓人恍如親臨人間仙境一般,從而讓它成為聞名世界的海濱度假勝地。
寧靜的聖荷西角(San José Del Cabo)
是一座典型的墨西哥小鎮,保有其當地的特色。鵝卵石舖的街道、溫馨的餐廳和雜貨店是其魅力的一部分。位在另一端則是熱鬧的聖盧卡斯角(Cabo San Lucas),適合舉辦派對。
財力證明:最近90天,每月一筆餘額至少新台幣50,000之銀行存摺、投資存摺或銀行開立之帳戶交易明細,正本及影本 (銀行開立之交易明細需包含清晰完整的帳號、戶名與餘額,並加蓋銀行正本章。銀行開立之總餘額證明不適用);或 B. 財力證明:最近12個月薪資入帳之銀行存摺或銀行開立之帳戶交易明細,正本及影本(薪轉帳戶明細須載明薪資或公司字樣)、勞保局核發之勞保投保明細表(影本),以及一年穩定就業之英文或西文版在職證明(正本及影本);或 C. 不動產:申請者名下至少兩年之不動產契據、至少兩年穩定就業之英文或西班牙文版在職證明(正本及影本),以及勞保局核發之勞保投保明細表(影本);或 D. 受邀請於公私機構或協會:公私機構或協會邀請外籍人士至國內參與非營利活動所發之保證信函,正本乙份。信函須載有下列資料:
排舞是一種集運動和娛樂於一身的活動,它不僅能增進友誼,增加交流,美國有一種說法:[Some love to dance,while others dance to love],一對剛結婚的戀人,說他們跳出感情的第二春。如果用金庸小說裡的比喻,原是老弱病殘,因為參與排舞,都成了身懷絕技的舞林高手。以職業來分,更是多元化,有醫生、家庭主婦、大公司的CEO、做IT的工程師、理財專家、職業婦女、藝術家、地產經紀和得獎的珠寶設計師。種族更如聯合國的組合,以華人為主之外,還有白人夫婦,印度人,來自馬來西亞、巴西、北歐等等,都愛上這配合音樂起舞的健身運動。
[輕鬆爆棚Pop Lite]隊是全永恕領隊,用排舞演繹了傑斯·格萊茵的歌[Hold My Hand],[達令,緊握我的雙手,因為我不想要獨自一人走下去了…] 他談及這次參賽的組隊經驗說:[組隊的理想是能藉由比賽的機會試試看從無到有,完全靠自己的力量編舞和設計隊形。這個過程是很艱辛的,編舞者Jessie付出了極大的努力,當然成果也令我們感到驕傲。舞蹈充分與音樂和歌詞搭配,非常有動感。能一方面顧及舞者的能力,舞步不能太難,能達到這樣的效果,我們很滿意。]談到隊裡的情形,他說:[同伴們都是新手,沒有表演經驗,但大家都非常有向心力,因為有共同的理想。不但勤於練習,而且在配合團體矯正動作上展現高度的團隊精神。有一位成員淑玲突然在關鍵時刻病了,錯過好幾次練習,但仍然抱病在家練習,透過團練的視頻和團體同步。通過這個過程,大家的舞技都經步了,也體驗到一支舞蹈從構思到上臺整個過程。原本來自各方,並不認識,也因此成了好朋友。]團員彼此的寬容令人動容,全先收說:[因為求好心切,再加上缺乏臨場經驗,我們出了一個明顯的錯誤,而且是在最不可能出錯的地方。因為我們平常練習時都幾近完美,所以大家都因為這個失誤而特別感到懊惱。但很快的這個小小的失望就在我們彼此的鼓勵和祝福下冰釋,沒有責備,只有安慰和讚賞。]
如果聽胡寶莉講她組 Dance to Thrive 團的故事,沒有人不熱淚盈眶為之動容的,寶莉常常去防癌協會做義工,因此認識一位叫Mary Ann 的癌友,多年前發現第三期卵巢癌,治療後又復發,如今已經是第四次復發,因為音樂和跳排舞讓她快樂又重拾信心,她也想參加大家籌畫的比賽,隊名就她取的,指的是她跳舞後的心情,總很振奮。她剛做完化療,沒有頭髮,全隊的人決定一律戴帽子,選了一頂閃著銀光的漂亮帽子都戴上,讓她不會與眾不同,又為她畫了因化療掉光的眉毛和眼線。怕她精力不夠,編舞的時候安排她中間入場,一切都順利完美,她跳到謝幕的最後節拍,全場掌聲熱烈響起。
[五加一]領隊 Rex Chuan 說到他們參賽的舞用的是小賈斯汀的Somebody To Love Me,他說:[這支舞的起源是Sue和我都對抒情慢舞有特別的情感,雖然知道挑戰性高,而且作為比賽並不討好,但還是鼓起勇氣來嘗試。我們的成員都彼此不認識,但都被這樣不同於一般排舞的風格吸引。這種慢舞看似簡單,但要跳到能看得下很大的工夫練習,而且要改變原本的習慣,重新塑造肢體語言。純粹是被這支舞的美所激發出來的動力,讓大家不知不覺精益求精,能夠達到高度的同步,不但在動作上,也在細節的韻味上如同一人,讓整支舞非常吸引人。]做為編舞和帶領者,他特別感謝:[Sue的督促和嚴格的標準,一點一滴的讓整個製作能達到一個行雲流水的境界,以一個業餘愛好者而言,我們證明瞭只要努力不懈,有志同道合的夥伴同行,我們可以很深入的享受舞蹈的美。]團員的互動他說:[美中不足的是,我們美麗溫柔的Anna在賽前練習太認真而摔傷了,不能參加比賽。原本站在最前面的她的柔美舞姿一直是我們的經典畫面,深深植入我們的腦海。臨陣換將,我們臨時得調整隊形,再加上人手單薄,效果打了一些的折扣,無法為觀眾帶來我們最完美的演出。我們隊名還是五加一,Anna永遠是我們的一員!]這些練舞的第一手資料看了令人感動。
From Bombay to You 領隊 Sandy Kwan 帶著八位舞者,舞出印度舞的浪漫,讓人想起了冰心寫印度舞蹈家卡拉瑪姐妹的一篇散文。[假如我是個詩人,我就要寫出一首長詩,來描繪她們的變幻多姿的旋舞。假如我是個畫家,我就要用各種彩色,點染出她們的清揚的眉宇和絢麗的服裝。假如我是個作曲家,我就要用音符來傳達出她們輕捷的舞步,和細響的鈴聲。假如我是個雕刻家,我就要在玉石上模擬出她們的充滿了活力的苗條靈動的身形。] 舞者妝容美豔,身材嬌好,手語更是為印度舞加入一些神秘,時而熱情奔放,時而穩重安靜,跟著音樂的變化,衣袂隨身形的旋轉而擺動,眸光流盼,顧盼生姿。
葉愛珠帶領的[Sensation 憑感覺]隊舞一出場,氣勢就不凡搶人眼球,選的是Lady Ga Ga的Vuelvo Al Sur舞曲,跳的是阿根廷探戈。十一個穿著黑色性感舞衣的女士,腳踩彩金鑲珠簍空舞鞋,手中抓著一把椅子,一個動作就能俐落地把美腿抬上椅面,主導這個動作就是現年六十六歲的愛珠,她不在乎說出自己的年紀,算是一種正面的教育,奔七十的人還可以這樣跳舞,應該引以為傲。第三屆比賽時拿過第一,大會因此修正條款,拿第一的要停賽一年,把機會讓給更多人,今年她的隊伍又可以再來參加。畢業於華岡藝校的宋珮琪為他們編舞,探戈舞的肢體語言非常豐富,深沉哀愁剛勁挺拔、瀟灑豪放的風格,舞步華麗高雅、熱烈狂放且變化無窮,交叉步、踢腿、跳躍、旋轉令人眼花繚亂,欲進還退、快慢錯落、動靜有致,上身垂直,兩腳腳跟提起,兩膝微彎,所有的動作都是力量向下延伸的感覺,舞姿十分沉穩有力,大家努力練習。但發現舞步會了,還要找感覺,用眼睛傳情,性感高貴,感覺到位才能把神韻傳遞給觀眾,舞出味道加氣勢,其他種舞蹈跳舞時都要面帶微笑,唯有跳探戈時不得微笑,表情要酷酷,又時不時快速擰身轉頭、左顧右盼,給觀眾是驚艷的感覺。
Simon Lau 帶領[Team Debut首演隊]以全隊22人的數大為美出場,沈慧帶著[康鶴耆英中心]的長輩,年齡從六十到八十,穿著粉藍色的中式服裝,髮際裝飾著誇張豪華羽毛,手拿扇子,舞著[瀟灑走一回],這舞是沈慧的老師,中華演藝學院的陳兆鑫編舞,如何耍弄抓住扇子是很難掌握的技巧,但她們都做得很熟練,實屬不易。Margaret Choy 領著[蘋果天使]推出的是寶萊塢歌曲 Mashallah ,她分享說:[因為在排舞學會學了一些 Zumba 舞步,靈機一動有這樣的創意,花了很多時間找衣服,後來從中國買回來,化個印度妝每人要花了一個半小時,靠大家互相幫忙才能把衣服穿上。其中瑪莎菈動作是高難度,下了不少功夫才掌握得好,女士們半蹲著出場,扭腰甩屁股的動作,練習完的第二天,腿痠到站不起來。]學得很辛苦卻跳得很快樂。
宣佈決戰成果的時刻到來,把現場氣氛推向高潮,評分統計結果:第三名Apple Angels,第二名為From Bombay to you,第一名為Sensation,都有獎金及大獎杯,另外最佳默契獎給了Fremont Happy Feet,中華長青聯誼會拿到最佳精神獎,有癌友的Dance to Thrive取得最佳人氣獎,最佳創意獎落到四個傻瓜手中,Five and One.拿到的是動作整齊畫一獎,Team Debut取得龐大隊伍獎,康鶴耆英中心獲頒最佳服裝獎,皆大歡喜,慶賀之聲不絕於耳。
California Line Dance Association of America – Founder and President, Jazz and Line Dance Choreographer and General Instructor, Gold9s -Beauty Gen 美國總代理
學歷: 日本大阪美專, 日本富田美顏術研究所畢業
第二十三屆舊金山灣區華人運動大會 – 主任委員 / 總召集人
博愛文化中心 – 董事 / 董事長 (27 年)
史旦佛兒童醫院 – 輔助員 (26 年 )
San Jose中華老人中心韻律健身教練 (28 年 )
Hope Rehabilitation Service for mentally and physically disabled Children– Trustee (25 years)
The California Line Dance Association of America (CLDAA) was established in 2004 as a 501C-3 nonprofit organization. The mission of CLDAA is “to promote exercise, health, and happiness, for people of all ages, through the art and expression of line dancing.”
CLDAA board members, who are all dance instructors and avid students, serve the community within the greater San Francisco Bay Area with passion through their actions.
CLDAA serves 220,000 people per year through 20 classes per week across 11 locations in the Bay Area. In addition to teaching line dance and promoting a healthier way of life as preventive medicine, CLDAA members are also focused on giving back to the community by volunteering their time for many worthy organizations such as local senior centers, the Chinese American Cancer Society, Alzheimer’s Prevention Center, Chambers of Commerce, Student Alumni Associations as well as the Chinese American Athletic Tournament Association, and many more.
Founder and Coach Kico Lin has devoted her time and effort to expand the organization, as well as fund the ongoing needs and maintenance of the organization.
As a nonprofit organization, CLDAA is always grateful and appreciative of any donations. All donations are tax-deductible, and a federal tax ID is available upon request. With your support, we believe that CLDAA will be able to serve the community more broadly, if you or anyone at your company is interested in supporting our nonprofit organization, please send a check to CLDAA 262 E. Gish Road San Jose CA 95112. Thank you in advance for your contribution and/or company matching funds. Your support means the world to us!
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Satisfy your cravings with a quick bite from one of our tempting casual eateries.
Horizon Court – expanded top-deck buffet
The Pastry Shop – pastries, hot desserts, flambés and coffee bar
Alfredo’s Pizzeria – serving hand-tossed Neapolitan-style pizza, hot out of the oven
Ocean Terrace – fresh new seafood bar
Gelateria – a refreshing scoop of rich, creamy Italian-style gelato
International Cafe – fresh pastries, warm cookies and paninis just off the press
Premium accommodations and luxurious appointments are the signature of our expansive 440 to 682 square feet Suites. Your Suite stateroom includes a spacious cabin and large 83-338 square foot balcony, along with special suite-only benefits. Suites feature a separate seating area with a sofabed, walk-in closet, full bathroom and deluxe amenities.
The luxurious Mini-Suite offers approximately 299 square feet of comfort and an additional, separate seating area with a sofa bed for lounging or sleeping a third passenger. The spacious balcony is approximately 41 square feet and the bathroom offers a combination tub and shower.
Larger than our Standard Balcony staterooms, Deluxe Balcony cabins provide approximately 233 square feet of comfort, and an approximately 41 square foot balcony and includes all the same features of the Balcony stateroom, plus an additional sofa bed for lounging or sleeping a third passenger.
The spacious approximately 222 square foot Balcony stateroom is appointed with fine amenities and outstanding views from an approximately 41 square foot private balcony.
*Floor plans, amenities and stateroom diagrams represent typical arrangements and may vary by ship. Certain stateroom categories may vary in size and configuration by ship. Square footage varies based on stateroom category and deck location. Stateroom views are considered unobstructed unless noted otherwise. Obstructions do not include certain nautical items like handrails, dividers or ship hardware. For balcony staterooms, the view is determined from the perspective of the balcony railing. Balconies may have either solid steel or toughened glass railings. Upper berth and bed ladder capacities are 250lbs. Staterooms that can accommodate rollaways have two lower berths, one upper berth and can accommodate a fourth berth as a rollaway bed upon request at time of reservation. There are a limited number of rollaway beds per ship, per voyage. Use of rollaway beds restricts cabin space. Contact Princess Cruises for more information.
Sincere appreciation to everyone’s support, including guests and volunteers who joined the charity gala, thank you all for making a difference and for bringing the love from Taiwan to more people in the world. Thank you to the artists and donors who participated in the artwork auction. Glad that we had the chance to share the charity projects with honorable guests such as Ambassador Paul Chang from TECO-NY, Deputy Consul General Yoshizane Ishii from Japan Consulate General in New York, Consul Kerwin Tate from Philippine Consulate General in New York, and Consul Dion van Tonder from South African Consulate General in New York.
Dear friends of STUF United Fund,
世台聯合基金會於7月18日在紐約舉辦了首場社區募款餐會,誠摯感謝大家的支持,包括參與慈善餐會的三百多位嘉賓與義工,以及未能與會的朋友們以捐款支持。慈善餐會嘉賓包括紐約經文處章文樑大使以及日本駐紐約領事館副總領事 Yoshizane Ishii、菲律賓駐紐約領事館領事 Kerwin Tate、南非駐紐約領事館領事Dion van Tonder等。同時也感謝參與藝術品義賣的藝術家與社區朋友們。世台繼續秉持慈善公益,讓愛心在世界各地點燃更多的光亮。
Charity in Action
Fundraising for Formosa Fun Coast explosion 緊急救助台灣粉塵暴燃
世台聯合基金會針對台灣八仙樂園發生的嚴重粉塵爆炸事件,發起緊急募款,敬請您共同參與,捐款金額大小不拘,都能發揮愛心幫助傷者。此次是台灣有史以來造成最多人同時被嚴重灼傷的意外事故,造成500多人受傷,死亡人數目前10人,尚有107人命危。感謝基金會董、監事捐款,已募得$35,500美元,呼籲社區朋友們響應,於8月15日完成募款,將款項送交僑委會代轉新北市政府。捐款請聯絡基金會總幹事黃怡妙:yimiao@stufunited.org, 電話 914-433-0415。Please join us to help the victims of the Formosa Fun Coast explosion, an accident in Taiwan that injured more than 500 people, among them 10 have passed away and 107 people are still in critical condition. Any amount of donation will be helpful to the immediate health need and long-term recovery of the victims. Please contact STUF United Fund by August 15th to make a donation.
Quli Zhou, is a Master Graduate of Chengdu University of Chinese Medicine, and received the Acupuncturist of the year award in 2001. She was also rewarded as a distinguished professor of Chinese medicine in 1995 and listed in the “Who’s Who” in 2002.Licensed nationally and by the state as an acupuncturist and herbalist, she brings over 24 years of international clinical experience to her practice.Quli Zhou continually studies in her field and in modern natural medicine. She blends ancient knowledge with medical innovations to effectively treat modern ailments.
To date, she has successfully treated over 10,000 patients. She specializes in treating pain, digestion problems, depression, infertility and woman’s hormone imbalance. She always provides her patients with the highest quality care with personal attention and to get the best results.
9/1978 – 7/1983
Undergraduate Study (B.Sc. Degree in TCM) Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
9/1984 – 9/1987
Graduate study (Master Degree in Acupuncture & Moxibustion), Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
3/1991 – 3/1994
Studied Psychology at the University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
Medical Experience:
7/1983 – 9/1984
Taught in Daxian School of TCM
9/1997 – 3/1991
Taught and Practiced as a TCM Doctor in the Department of Acupuncture & Moxibustion, Teaching Hospital of Chengdu University of TCM
4/1994 – 9/1995
Practiced as a Licensed Acupuncturist in State of Hawaii; Taught in Tai Tshuan Foundation College of Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine, Honolulu, Hawaii.
9/1995 – 12/1998
Practiced Acupuncture & Chinese Herbal Medicine in Pennsylvania
2/2000 – present
Teaching at University of East West Medicine in Sunnyvale, CA. Private Practice in Saratoga, CA
4/1994 – 9/1995
Distinguishing Professor from Tai Tshuan Foundation College of Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine
6/1996 – present
Diplomat and Certified in Acupuncture and Chinese Herbology by National Commission for the Certification of Acupuncturist and Oriental Medicine
1st place # 15 Sensation music: Vuelvo Al Sur Team Size:11 Captain: Ai-Chu Wang Performers: Ai-Chu Wang, Donna Chen, Echo Loughry, Ellen Yu, Ivy Luong, Joy Wu, Leslie Yeh, Pamela Tzeng, Stella Chen, Teresa Chang & Youlee Ho
2nd Place #14 From Bombay to You Music: Jai Ho Team Size 8 Captain: Sandy Kwan Performers: Sandy Kwan, Julia Tung, Lorraine Wong, Lisa Ye, Belinda Ho, Connie Lam, Lillian Li & Angela Feng
3rd Place #18 Apple Angels Music: Mashallah Team Size: 7 Captain: Margaret Choy Performers: Carolyn Tan, Cindy Chan, Grace Leung, Jessica Gao, Margaret Choy, Nancy Huynh & Song Zhang
最佳人氣獎 #9 Dance to Thrive Music: Chiche Love Song Team Size: 6 Captain: Polly Hu Performers: Ann Mary , Ken Foohe, Sozen Yao, Ching-Mei Li & Polly Hu Ernie
最佳創意獎 #11 四個傻瓜 Music: Zoobi Doobi Team Size: 8 Captain: David Wei Performers: David Wei, Jennifer Erhardt, Cheryl Fang, Lina Chen, Tracy Hou, Kui Seng Soon, Ming Zhang & Ken Yang
最佳動作劃一獎 #12 Five And One Music: Somebody To Love Me Team Size: 6 Captain: Rex Chuan Performers: Rex Chuan, Sue Chen, Angi Tseng, Anna Chen, Cynthia Chen & Hefang Fan
最佳服裝造型獎 #17 Dance Workshop Music: 瀟灑走一回 Team Size: 5 Captain: Amy Jong Performers: Angela Lu , Lin Hsien, Julie Wang, Wendy Lee, Mona Hwang, Regina Chen & Rosa Lias
最佳默契奬 #13 Fremont Happy Feet Footloose Team Size: 7 Captain: Wen Ku Performers: Wen Ku, Larry Ku, Jenny Luo, Emily Pan, Keya Hu, Elaine Tam & Katherine Tin
最佳精神獎 #2 中華長青聯誼會 Music: 誰要你理睬 Team Size:12 Captain: Martha Ho Performers: Martha Ho, Barbara Yang, Huimei Lin Chien, Emily Chang, Betty Ling, Down Ng, Amy Yang, Hsiumei Su, John Liu, Fang Ming, Zhang Li Sha & Jennifer Chu
龐大團隊奬 #16 Team Debut Music: Rhuba L’Amore Team Size: 22 Captain: Simon Lau Performers: Alex CHEN, Charles Tan, Chi Hsian Chung, Irene Hong, Jenny Zhang, Julie Lau, Katie Chow, Lana Vuong, Linda B. Lee, Linda Sun, Martha Ho, Michelle Cheung, Minna Chao, Nancy Liu, Ruby Li, Sally Chang, Simon Lau, Sunny Hsu, Sylvia Wan, Tai Ling Li, Tim Grose & Tina Lee.
Thank CLDAA members for the participation in the 2015 Line Dance Competition held on 6/28, Sunday at CCC in Milpitas. We appreciate your time and efforts in your preparation for this event. I understand it took about three months. Thank Madam Fuh, Annie Yi, Carol Ma, Mei Wuu and Jason Chiu for their hard work as our competition judges. Thank our CLDAA coaches, assistant coaches and staff for their passion and dedication, without their strong team work this event would not have been possible. I also would like to thank CCC director Wu, Tina and April for their support. I would like to thank all of our event photographers, Luther, Mike, Ben, Nina, Dr. Ray, for their outstanding work. Here goes a special thank to our Overseas Commissioners, Wei Wang, Song Chen and Amy Jong for coming to show their support. In conclusion, I would like to thank STUF (Shi Tai United Fund) for their grant contribution.
第一名: Club La La La
第二名: Fremont Happy Feet
第三名: Uptown Gals
最佳精神奬:Juipin Dance
最佳服裝造型奬:Coffee ClubClub
Club LaLaLa:
https://youtu.be/FCcLw9OdyrIHappy Feet:
https://youtu.be/y78x1AAxQsgUptown Gals:
Little Mustard:
Rock N Roll:
Evergreen Seniors:
Coffee Club:
Little Apple:
Beauty & Beast:
Country Gals; Dance Up:
Funky Gals:
Jupin Dance:
Dark Horse:
CLDAA Line Dance Competition 6/28/2015
2015華運排舞比賽 第一名: Club La La La 第二名: Fremont Happy Feet 第三名: Uptown Gals 最佳人氣獎:美女與怪獸 最佳創意獎:小蘋果 最佳精神奬:Juipin Dance 最佳動作劃一奬:中華長青聯誼會 最佳服裝造型奬:Coffee Club
2015華運排舞比賽 第一名: Club La La La 第二名: Fremont Happy Feet 第三名: Uptown Gals 最佳人氣獎:美女與怪獸 最佳創意獎:小蘋果 最佳精神奬:Juipin Dance 最佳動作劃一奬:中華長青聯誼會 最佳服裝造型奬:Coffee Club
華運排舞比賽 第一名: Club La La La 第二名: Fremont Happy Feet 第三名: Uptown Gals 最佳人氣獎:美女與怪獸 最佳創意獎:小蘋果 最佳精神奬:Juipin Dance 最佳動作劃一奬:中華長青聯誼會 最佳服裝造型奬:Coffee Club
2015 The 31st Annual TCAAT Line Dance Competition Official Entry Form for LINE DANCE
DATE: _____________________
ENTRY FEE $30.00 per team. Send this form with check payable to “CLDAA”
Address: 262 E. Gish Road San Jose CA 95112
Note: No refunds after registration except for cancellation of the events.
TCAAT reserve the right to post all photo for the TCAAT dance awards webpage.
WAIVER: I am voluntarily participating in the year 2015 31st Chinese American Athletic Tournament of the San Francisco Bay Area. The tournament administrators/CLDAA cannot hold the responsibility for any illness, or injury sustained as result of participating in the games, attending the games, or traveling to or from the games. I hereby agree that the games or its administrators shall not hold or be liable for any such illness or injury. (If player is under the age of 18, a parent or guardian must sign the waiver.)
Waiver Signature (Parent or legal guardian’s signature):_________________________________ Date:_______________________
Congratulations to CLDAA’s 10th year anniversary and we are proud members of this fabulous non-profit organization founded by Head Coach Kico Lin that has touched many people’s lives in many positive ways. We especially want to express our sincere appreciation to Teacher Linda who is the head coach for the Millbrae branch. Teacher Linda is among the best coach and we couldn’t thank her enough for her hard work, patience and inspiration to all her students. No one can dance like Teacher Linda but she inspires all of us to become a phenomenal dancer like her one day. We learn a lot from her line dance, jazz and Zumba classes, Teacher Linda would always show us the graceful and expressive way to tilt, turn, pose in every move of the dance routine, she emphasizes dancing is not simply a case of busting some moves to upbeat music, but how to use your bodies and movements to carry your most beautiful self in front of the audience and make an unforgettable entertainment for them.
We follow Teacher Linda to many performances in the bay area, under her guidance, we are able to bring delightful entertainment to many charitable organizations, retirement and cultural communities, through our performance exposure, it has greatly enhanced our self-confidence and motivated us to keep practicing, exercising and learning choreographed dance moves.
CLDAA enriches our lives in many ways; we are the living testimonial of “Dance for Health, Dance for Happiness and Dance for a Colorful Life.” Thank you CLDAA for making a positive impact in our lives and we love you Teacher Linda!!
Best wishes,
Fantasy 7 aka Julia Tung, Lorraine Wong, Joyen Lam, Christine Luu, Louisa Tai, Sandy Kwan, June Low
最後,我要感謝軸心團隊和所有的義工,由於你們奉獻出時間,精神,熱心和愛心,才會使得今晚的晚會圓滿成功,讓我真心的感謝大家也祝福大家! Message from President
Good evening Ambassador and Madam Fuh, all honorable Mayors, vice mayor, county supervisors, city council members, Taiwan government officials, overseas commissioners, all distinguished guests, as well as CLDAA members, families, and friends.
On behalf of the members of CLDAA, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all of you for taking the time to celebrate with us tonight. Welcome!
As you all know, we are here tonight to celebrate the 10th anniversary of CLDAA. Reflecting, I’m very proud to share that we have come a long way from being just a group of 6 co-founders to now more than 3,000 members strong. How did we get to this point? I humbly believe it’s because CLDAA stands for the right attributes — through line dancing, we encourage health, happiness, confidence, teamwork, respect, care, and love. And, we are serving more than 220,000 people yearly through 21 classes per week throughout the Bay Area. As a result, it’s not simply about line dancing. It’s become a method of preventative care and maintenance both mentally and physically. In addition, many have enjoyed the sense of community and the benefits of volunteering together to give back to others.
Tonight, I would like to take this opportunity to thank every one of you for your long-term support. Without your support, CLDAA would not have been able to accomplish what we have accomplished. Therefore, please, I would like to ask for your continued support which will enable CLDAA to achieve even more and expand our reach to even more communities.
I would like to especially thank all of our members for your support. Thank you for trusting us and staying with us for the past ten years. It is because of you we are motivated. And, it is because of you, we are committed. So, please let us continue to dance for our health, our happiness, and our colorful life.
Lastly, I would like to thank all of our volunteers…this is a big celebration and without your time, efforts, and passion, this event would not have been possible. Thank you all sincerely.
Your comments and testimonies are valuable to us! CLDAA is seeking your testimonies, and you are welcome to share your line-dancing experience with other members on our yearbook and website. Your comments and testimonies need to be submitted to support@cldaa.org and this is how:
Testimonies should be no longer than 800 words. Submitted content will be edited for spelling, clarity, and concision. All Scripture quotes must be properly referenced including book, chapter, verse, and version/translation. Not all submissions will be chosen for publishing. Testimonies that are longer than 800 words, contain excessive spelling and grammar errors, and have unreferenced Scripture quotes, are less likely to be chosen for publication.
1. Your first and last name (not displayed unless requested).
2. Your valid email address.
3. Explain how you would like your byline to display online: first name only, first and last name, or nickname. Be sure to include this information (first name, last name, or nickname) to ensure proper attribution.
4. Write “Submission – Testimony” in the subject line of your email to ensure proper delivery.
5. You must insert the text of your testimony into the body of the email. Do not send your testimony as an attachment! Due to software incompatibility, testimonies that are submitted as attachments will be deleted unread.
6. Photo attachments are allowed (Limit photos to 400×400 pixels – jpg only).
This is an email I shared with my line dance classmates. I am sharing with you in case you are one of our friends who do not understand Taiwanese dialect.
My Dear Classmates:
The music of this month’s dance 歡喜就好 was sung in the background with Taiwanese dialect which many classmates may not understand. The context actually is very inspiring that advises us some valuable attitudes for having a good life. I explain its meaning below for your enjoyment.
here is a video link that has the 台語 singing but with direct 國語翻譯字幕 that I received from our classmate Sheng-wei Li .
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Kico Lin has served as a Commissioner of Overseas Community Affairs Council, R.O.C. (Taiwan). She was the 24th President of the World Taiwanese Chamber of Commerce and 22nd President of Taiwanese Chamber of Commerce of North America.
Having lived in San Jose for forty-seven years, she is busy with her real estate brokerage, land investment and development, and as a grower of almond orchards. She is also actively involved in charity and community service work. For over thirty-six years, she has been teaching jazz dance and has formed jazz dance groups that perform for local communities and major charity events organized by various entities in the Bay Area. In 2001, at the invitation of the President of the Taipei International Line Dance Association, Mr. Peng, she became the honorary head coach of the association, teaching the Seed-Coaches. In 2003, together with the association, she set a Guinness World Record for the largest number of people line dancing at Tianmu Sports Park, with 6,875 participants dancing for 13 minutes. Recognizing the popularity of line dancing worldwide, she founded the California Line Dance Association of America (CLDAA) in 2004, a non-profit organization recognized by the federal and state governments of the United States under a 501C-3 status. For nearly twenty years, she has been actively promoting line dancing as a beneficial activity for physical and mental well-being in the Bay Area, with nearly 3,000 members.
Kico Lin is passionate about line dancing. She choreographs and directs her own line dances, incorporating beautiful music rhythms and vibrant dance moves, infusing dance with vitality and liveliness.
She believes that line dancing promotes health and friendship among members, providing a platform for women facing menopause, empty nest syndrome, or depression, to have a strong body and mind. Through line dancing, she brings happiness, health, and color to their lives.
During her tenure as the Chairperson, one of her notable achievements was the collaboration between members of the overseas Taiwanese chambers of commerce and the California Line Dance Association. More than 200 members participated in the invitation by the Overseas Community Affairs Council ROC (Taiwan) to perform a line dance routine in front of the Presidential Palace at the Double Ten National Day celebration in 2018, adding brilliance to the national celebration and creating a precious and glorious experience for returning dancers from around the world.
Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, the California Line Dance Association has continued teaching online through Zoom. This has benefited line dance enthusiasts from around the world, in addition to its local members in the Bay Area. Once the pandemic was under control in January 2023, the association resume to its in-person line dance classes at its headquarters, open seven days a week. As students gradually return and greet each other in safety, the association aims to restore its former flourishing state. The association firmly believes that line dancing is a simple and enjoyable sport that doesn’t require a partner and is suitable for all ages. Everyone can participate and continue dancing for a long time! The co-founders of the California Line Dance Association, Linda Lee, Jenny Cheng, Joanna Lin and Chi Chi Lin, also serve as line dance instructors. They are passionate about community service and actively participate in charity performances, fully embodying the spirit and motto of the California Line Dance Association: Dance for health, dance for happiness, and dance for a colorful life!
Applejack(1 count) feet slightly apart with weight on the heel of one foot and the ball of the other foot, (1)swivel toe and heel respectively out, (&)both feet back to center ready to change weight. For example, Left Applejack – place weight on left heel and right toe, swivel left toe and right heel toward left side. Return feet to center.
Ankle Rock (2 counts) with feet crossed and ankles locked, (1)rock weight onto the forward foot. (2)return weight to back foot [aka Ankle Roll
Ball Change(1 count) (&)step onto the ball of the designated foot, (1)change weight onto the other foot. Often accompanied by a previous step, e.g. kick-ball-change.
Brush (1 count) (1)use the ball of the designated foot to brush the floor as the foot swings forward (or back) passing the other foot.
Cha-Cha (2 counts) three steps in place done to two beats of music. [aka Triple Step Similar to a Shuffle, however, it is done on the spot unlike latter which travels.
Charleston(4 counts) (1)step the designated foot forward, (2)kick the other foot forward, (3)step back with the kicking foot, (4)touch the first foot back.
Charleston Kick (4 counts) Same as Charleston except the order is kick, together, touch, together.
Chasse(2 counts) (1)step the designated foot to side, (&)step the other foot next to it, (2) step the first foot again to side. If starting with right foot, move toward right side and vice versa.
Close (1 count) (1)step the designated foot next to the other foot.
Coaster Step(2 counts) (1)step the designated foot back, (&)step the other foot next to it, (2)step the first foot forward. Sometimes may travel forward first and then backward.
Cross Shuffle(2 counts) (1)cross the designated foot over the other foot, (&)step the other foot slightly to the side, (2)again cross the first foot over the other foot.
Cross Unwind (2 counts) (1)cross the designated foot in front of (or behind) the other foot, (2)unwind on balls of feet and turn the designated angle(can be ¼, ½, ¾, or full turn) and finish weight onto the first foot.
Fan • Heel Fan (1 count) (1)move the designated heel outward pivoting on ball of foot, and (&)back.
Toe Fan (1 count) (1)move the designated toe outward pivoting on heel, and (&)back.
Grapevine(3 counts) (1)step the designated foot to the side, (2)cross the other foot at back, (3)step the first foot again to the side. Normally followed by a Touch, Close, Kick, Stomp, Scuff, etc.
Heel Grinds (2counts) (1)step designated heel forward, toe pointing to the opposite side, (2)grind the heel into floor, fanning toes from the opposite side to the matching side and taking weight.
Heel Jack(2 counts) (&)step foot diagonally back, (1) touch the other heel diagonally forward, (2)step down the heeled foot and touch the other foot together. For example, Left Heel Jack: Step diagonally back right foot. Touch left heel diagonally forward left. Step left into center. Touch/step right foot beside left foot.
Heel Pivot (1 count) normally on the spot, (1)pivoting the designated foot outward and (&)back.
Heel Splits (2 counts) keep weight on balls of feet, (1)move both heel out to opposite sides, and then (2)back together
Heel Swivels (2 counts) keep weight on balls of feet, (1)move both heels toward the same side, and then(2)back to center.
Heel Swivels(4 counts) (1)fan right toe to right and left heel to left(2)return feet to place change weight to left heel and right toe, (3)fan left toe to left and right heel to right, (4)return feet to place.
Hip Bump (1 count) (1)bump hips to the designated direction.
Hitch (1 count) (1)lift the knee with weight on the opposite foot.
Hook (1 count) (1)lift one foot and cross it in front of the supporting leg.
Hop (1 count) (1)spring into the air taking off and landing with same foot.
Jazz Box(4 counts) For example, Right Jazz Box: step right foot across in front of left, step left foot back, step right foot to right side, step left foot next to right. Also can be done leading with left foot, i.e. start by crossing left foot in front of right
Jump (1 count) (1) jump forward or backward taking off and landing with both feet at the same time
Kick Ball Change(2 counts) As an example, starting with right foot, (1) kick right foot forward, (&) step onto ball of right foot next to left foot and lift left foot slightly off the floor, (3) replace left foot onto floor on the same spot. Can start with either foot.
Knee Pops(2 counts) with weight on the other foot, (1)push the designated knee forward by lifting the heel off floor with the ball of foot remaining in contact with the floor, (2)straighten knee and drop the heel. Maybe done in syncopated fashion(&1).
Mambo Step(2 counts) (1)step the designated foot in the designated direction, (&)lift the other foot and replace it back down on the same place, (2)step the first foot back next to the other foot. Can start with either foot and toward front, back or to the sides.
Monterey Turn (4 counts) unless specified otherwise, Monterey Turn is always a ½ turn. But it may be ¼, ¾, or full. For example, Right Monterey Turn: (1)touch right toe to right side, keep weight on left foot. (2)make ½ turn over your right shoulder and step right foot next to left taking the weight onto right foot, (3)touch left toe out to left side, (4)step left foot besides right with weight on the left foot. Also can be done leading with left foot, i.e. start by touching left toe to left side
Paddle Turn (varies) a turn either left or right, using a series of ball changes with the weight staying over the turning foot.
Pencil Turn(1 count) with lead foot slightly forward, (1)turn in direction of lead foot while either dragging toes of opposite foot just behind heel of lead foot while turning (or holding the toes of the opposite foot just off the ground). turn ends with toes of opposite foot touching beside instep of lead foot. Turn can be any angle, even greater than a full turn. Usually completed within one beat, but sometimes done over two or more beats.
Pivot Turn (2 counts) unless specified otherwise, a pivot turn is always a 1/2 turn. (1)step the opposite foot forward, then (2)turn 180° on the balls of both feet in the designated direction and return weight to first foot. For example, Right ½ Pivot: step forward on left foot, make a ½ turn over your right shoulder, finish with weight on right foot facing the wall that was behind you.
Reverse Pivot Turn (2 counts) (1)touch designated foot behind, and (2)turn 180° in the direction of designated foot.
Rhonde(2 counts) (1,2)sweep the designated toe in half circle from front to back.
Rumba Box (8 counts) can be started with either left or right foot. As an example, starting with right foot, (1)step forward on right foot, (2)touch left toe next to right, (3)step left foot to left side, (4)step right foot next to left, (5)step back on left foot, (6)touch right toe next to left, (7)step right foot to right side, (8)touch left toe next to right
Running Man (2 counts) (1)step forward the designated foot, (&)hitch the designated knee and scoot the foot back, (2,&)repeat with the other foot.
Rock (1 count) (1)transfer weight from one foot to the other
Rock Recover (2 counts) (1)step the designated foot in the designated direction using a rocking-like motion, (2)rocking back onto the other foot.
Sailor Step(2 counts) (1)step one foot back behind the other foot, (&)step the other foot to the side, (2)step the starting foot down [CLDAA nick named Back-Side-Step
Shimmy (varies) fast, alternating shoulder movements, as left shoulder moves forward, the right shoulder moves back.
Scuff (1 count) as Brush but make contact with heel on floor
Shuffle(2 counts) (1)step the designated foot in the designated direction, (&)step the other foot besides the first, (2)step the first foot in the same direction again. [aka Chasse when done to the side
Slide (1 count) with the weight on the other foot, (1)drag or slide one foot toward the weighted foot. Can be done with longer counts.
Step (1 count) (1)place foot on floor and take weight onto it
Stomp (1 count) (1)stomp the foot on the floor to make a loud sound. Weight remains on the other foot (Caution: stomp too hard may hurt your foot)
Stroll(3 counts) (1)step the designated foot forward, (2)cross other foot behind, (3)step the first foot forward. Often done to the diagonal.
Strut • Heel Strut (2 counts) (1)place the designated heel forward on floor, then (2)drop toe onto floor. Maybe done in various directions.
Toe Strut (2 counts) (1)place toe forward or backwards on floor, then (2)heel onto floor taking weight onto foot
Sugarfoot(2 counts) (1)touch lead toe to instep of other foot, (2)touch heel of lead foot to instep of other foot.
Switches • Heel Switches (2 counts) (1)touch the designated heel forward, (&)return the designated foot besides the other foot, (2,&) repeat with the other foot.
Toe Switches (2 counts) (1)touch the designated toe to side, (&)step the designated foot in place, (2,&)repeat with the other foot.
Touch (1 count) (1)touch toe or heel to ground but don’t put any weight on it [aka Tap
Twinkle Steps(2 counts) (1)step the designated foot across in front of the other foot, (&)step opposite foot to side, (2)step the first foot besides the other foot.
Unwind Turn(2 beats) (1)cross the designated foot in front of the other foot, (2)make a ¼, ½, ¾, or full turn in the opposite direction of whichever foot is crossed. Weight may end on either foot depending on the specific dance.
Weave(4 counts) as an example, Left Weave: (1)cross right foot in front of left, (2)step left foot to left side, (3)step right foot back behind left, (4)step left foot to left side.
To our Diamond, Platinum & Gold Sponsors:Thank you all very much for your kind support. Your generous contribution enables CLDAA to continue its expansion and serve even more people throughout the Greater San Francisco Bay Area. Our endless mission to help people to build up their health, confidence and happy lifestyle. I’m very glad that something so simple — line dancing — has developed into a method of preventive care and maintenance both physically and mentally. Thank you all again for your substantial support. Sponsors are as follows:
The Davidson Family Foundation,
Linlee Family Foundation,
J.Yang & Family Foundation,
Mike & Kico Lin,
Julia Hsiao/New York Life Insurance,
Julia Cheng,
Thomas Chen, Crystal Window.
Mac Lawson Family
To our VIP Table Sponsors: Thank you all very much for being a VIP table supporter. Thank you for taking the time to invite your good friends to join us for this special event. We hope you enjoy having front-row seats to our evening’s program. Again, thank you. VIP tables are as follows:
Dr. Ray & Shirley Chen,
TCAAT, Carol Chiu,
Lily Chou,
FCSN, Limin Hu.
Sharon Chiu,
Joanna Lin,
Nancy Yeh,
Tina Peng,
Bee Chen
William Joe,
Max Gahrahmat,
Alice Lui
To our Community Sponsors:Please accept my sincere gratitude to all of you for your friendly support. Your participation helps to make our event far more lively and enjoyable.
To our Board of Directors:Needless to say, you all play a critical role to our overall success. Without hard work, day and night and relentless planning, none of this would have been possible. You all deserve a BIG thanks! Joanna Lin, Linda Lee, Jenny Cheng, Peggy Sung & Chi Chi Lin.
To our Coaches:I just want to take this opportunity to say that all of you ladies are so amazing! You all have the four Ss in order to succeed within this CLDAA community–smart, skills, style and always smiling. You have my utmost appreciation and recognition. Sharon Chiu, Shiao Ping Chiang, Cai Lam, Dorian Ho & Letty Kanemitsu.
To our Assistant Coaches:Thank you all very much for your true dedication to CLDAA. Your passion and time spent volunteering to serve our members is highly appreciated. Thank you again so much. Julie Liu, Yu-Ching (Valerie)Peng, Nina Ni & Jane Chok.
To our Staff:A key for CLDAA to be successful is your strong, fundamental support. We rely on you for your collaboration and backup support. I’m so very fortunate to have such reliable and skillful teammates including Mike Lin, Doris Wang, Ben Huang & Wagner Chiang.
To our Advisors:Thank you for always being there for CLDAA. You all have done your best serving CLDAA in different areas, such as public relations, liaising with members as well as financial support. You all have my deepest appreciation and highest respect—Susie Wilson, Sharon Chiu, Amy Lin, DR. Ken Liu & Shirley Hou.
To our Volunteers:I would like to express my warmest and deepest appreciation to all of our volunteers tonight. We thank you for your time, effort, passion and love. It is due to your dedication that our event has a chance for success. I attribute our overall success to all of you. Thank you all very much. Lily Chou, Lily Lin, Weini Liem, Lisa Hsu, Audrey Chen, Vivian Wang, Amy Yang , Gina Lee, I-chen Wu, Jennifer Leu, Meiteh Lee, Pauling Yen, Pei Yu Chang, Shuchen Wang, Yu Ding, Eva Yang, Ray Ming Liu, Kimiko Sato, Jian F Chen, Nancy Lu, Donna Young, Mingli Chi, Eva Lee, Curtis Chang, Joy Wu, Katherine Tin, George Tin, Tifany Tin, Roget Chan, Kam Wong, Allen Chang, Kenny Chen, Luther Mok, David Liao, Joe Chow, Tri Luong, Diana Hung. Roy Tsai, Ping Juang, Victor Yu, Dr. Benny Hsiao, Allen Chen, Shin-Jie Huang, Catherine Chen
CLDAA Cowboys-Why don’t we just dance Teacher Kico Lin
Dr. Thomas Lin, Alex Kwong, Ben Huang, ChiHsian Chung, Charles Tan, David Wei, David Wu, Gilbert Ho, John Chow, Kam Wong, Dr. Ken Liu, Ken Yang, Kui-Seng Soon, Larry Ku, Leo Wu, Mark A. Lipkin, Mike Lin, Peter Yu, Raymond Chen, Roy Tsai, Rudy Juang, Sam Tse, Shing Li, Simon Lau, Wagner Chiang.
TCAAT Winning Teams-Third Place- Waka Waka Jane Doong, Teresa Chang, Cindy Han, Ai-Chu Wang
TCAAT Winning Teams-Third Place- One Direction What Makes You Beautiful
Yu-Ching Peng Raymond Chen, Ben Huang, Charles Tan, ChiHsian Chung, Larry Ku, Ken Yang, Ken Liu, Gilbert Ho
Opera Performance 1, Nessun Dorma, from Puccini’s Opera- Turandot 2, O Sole Mio
Frank Auyeung, Shiine Zhao & David Liu
TCAAT Winning Teams-First Place-7 UP Where have you been
Pamela Tzeng, Ivy Luong, Teresa Chang, Joy Wu, Ai-Chu Wang, Donna Chen, Ellen Yu,
Line Dance Recital-Cupertino 1 & 2 Kung Fu Fighting + 10 minutes
Jenny Cheng, Joanna Lin, Sharon Chiu Echo Loughry, Ning Jiang, June Low, Jennifer Erhardt, Tai-Ling Wang, David Wei, Thomas Fu, John Chen, Steve Huang, Kui-Seng Soon
Line Dance Recital-Millbrae Just Dance & Stronger
Sandy Kwan, Elaine Cheung, Julia Tung, Pai-Chie Chen-Chow, Vivian Huang, Alexandra Ng, Ellen Lee, Lily Wang, Pauline Wong, Lorraine Wong, Christina Ng, Gloria Chien, inda Der, Rita Tam, Rita Tong, Roy Tsai, Louisa Tai, Christine Luu, Joyen Lam, Iris Lee, Daisy Tzen
Line Dance Recital-Evergreen It’s Going be The Night
Charles Tan, Carolyne Tan, Linda Sun, Nancy Huynh, Jane Chen, Fay Lee, Lin Lin Zhang, Susan Li, Mary Wang, Sam Wang, Maggie Wong, Samuel Tse
Line Dance Recital-Fremont 1 & 2 Mambo Number 5
Larry Ku, Simon Lau, Wen Ku, Emily Pan, Grace Wu, Ming Xia, Jean Li, Joyce Chiou, Elaine Tam, Keya Hu, Margaret Choy, Ivy Luong, Jenny Luo, Ann Ng, Anita Ha, Christine Han, Susan
Dance Performance 勁歌熱舞表演-
Annie Yi 儀容, 上官明珠
Coach’s Performance-Dancing me if you can
Peggy Sung Kico Lin, Linda Lee, Joanna Lin, Peggy Sung, Jennifer Cheng, Chi Chi Lin, Letty Kanemitsu, Sharon Chiu, Nina Ni, Doris Wang, Shiao-Ping Ching, Jane Chok, Dorian Ho, Julie Liu, Yu-Ching Peng
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一個完美成功的慶㑹,是需要團隊充分合作、協調、分工,並且努力貫徹的執行,才會達到最高最美的績效。 2014年4月20日,美國加州排舞協會於北加州聖他克拉拉市的Hyatt Regency Hotel,舉辦盛况空前,出席人數接近千人的十週年慶祝晚會。當天下午兩點到五點是排舞馬拉松的節目,三、四百學員己迫不急待地在偌大的舞池,伴隨排舞優美的旋律和輕快的節奏,跳岀她們這十年學過的排舞舞碼,一曲又一曲一條又一條沒有間斷,香汗淋漓,全身舒暢,真是跳得樂翻天。晚上六點所有與會的學員和賓客都盛裝入場,男士西裝筆挺,英俊瀟灑,女仕們個個花枝招展,婀娜多姿。簡直跟奧斯卡頒獎盛㑹一様的壯觀。 晚會在周和林勵雯中、英文司儀的介紹下順利地進行,由少林功夫鍾永寄師父提供的祥龍舞獅揭開序幕,三條彩色繽紛的巨龍,十隻勇猛的舞獅,來慶賀獻瑞,排舞敎練群的九位寶眷,由林猛雄掌舞龍頭,大家雖然都是第一次,我想這是非常難得的體驗,每個人都提足氣力,在全埸熱烈鼓掌下,把龍舞得生氣活現,在龍、獅壯觀的舞動下,掀起晚會的高潮。蒞臨晚會的貴賓包括傅正綱大使伉儷、南灣各縣市的政要,諸如聖荷西副市長麥迪森阮,密爾比達市長艾和諧,聖縣議員科提斯、聖荷覀市議員朱感生等均到場祝賀。各社團的領袖們,以及排舞協會的㑹員及眷屬們,來賓們都雲集於即壯觀又氣派的會場。林貴香會長親率排舞核心團隊逐一繞場登台亮相,司儀也一邊介紹她們的簡歷和擔任職責、她們美麗的風彩和為排舞奉獻的愛心,十年如一日。林貴香會長在致詞中感謝各位教練、助敎的辛勞、顧問的有問有顧,更感謝終身會員和學員們的支持。同時,各界的善心人士、廠商、朋友的全力支持、贊助,才會有排舞十年的成就。排舞協會也頒發感謝狀給捐贈人士和廠商;Mr. Charles Davidson, The Linlee Family Foundation, 楊信夫婦、 Tony and Diana Wong, Crystal Window. 紐約人壽蕭朱玲, Julia Cheng Insurance等。美國加州排舞協會更接到來自國內包括馬英九總統、五院的院長、以及美國當地政要的贺状。排舞協會也頒發給Stanford Children’s Hospital, Hope Service, Generosity Water 各一萬美元。頒給New Hope Cancer Care, Friends of Children w/ Special Needs, Agape Asian Mission 各兩千美元。希望排舞協會的捐贈能夠拋磚引玉,回饋給社會。 三、四十位男士們,頭載牛仔帽,身穿花格襯衫,藍色牛仔褲,精神抖擻舞出整齊劃一,充滿活力的「Why don’t We Just Dance」,贏得滿堂彩,女生的尖叫聲,將表演引入另一高潮。由吳文一擔任晚會表演的司儀,華運排舞優勝的第一名,由七仙女表演 Where have you been, 第二名,由八位酷酷男表演 Cool Cool Dancing Knights,兩組第三名分別表演 Waka Waka 和 What Makes You Beautiful.她們都卵足全力,先後上場。配上亮麗的舞衣、裝扮,輕盈的身材,將排舞美麗的動作呈現給全場的觀眾。中間穿插藝術歌曲演唱,由馳名海內外的名聲樂家歐陽飛鵬、趙夏陽、劉德中三位聯合演唱,他們高吭、嘹亮、優美的歌喉,將 Nessun Dorma 和 O Sole Mio 兩首歌唱得令人如痴如狂,滿堂熱烈的掌聲。 緊接著是排舞協會各地區教室自己編練的舞蹈表演,Cupertino敎室的「Kung Fu Fighting」,五男五女搭配的功夫舞,剛柔並濟,表現出陰陽合一的美與力之結合。 Millbrae 教室一群美麗高佻的美女,加上Roy萬紅叢中一點綠,表演舞姿優美的「Dance Combo」。 Evergreen 教室的男女學員也表演精彩的「It’s Going be The Night」,Fremont教室更舞出輕鬆節奏,動人心絃的「A Little Mambo」。 另外、灣區著名的儀容和上官明珠也聯手表演火棘的熱歌勁舞。最後的壓軸是由林貴香率領全體敎練群美女,演出排舞精華動作和舞碼組成的舞曲,優美動作和隊形的變幻,真是令人賞心悅目,男士們看得目嘡口呆。 緊接著是「十八步」的排舞,吸引學員魚貫入場,將整個大舞池都填滿熱舞的人潮。 在所有表演節目結束後, Alice & Wave Live Band 立即接著演奏舞曲,幾百人能同時上場的舞池,這還是灣區首次目睹的盛況。場面熱絡。喜歡舞蹈的人如魚得水,跳得不亦樂乎! 晚會的另一高潮就是摸彩,由李節操.林斯琦和Coffee Club的義工共同主持。超過兩百份獎品,價值兩萬美元的現金和奬品,包括長榮航空和中華航空各提供一張台北-舊金山來回機票,以及林貴香會長提供的一千美元現金獎。所有賓客都玩得非常盡興、開心,直到午夜十二點才曲終人散。" 當晚與會的人士均收到一本精美的美國加州排舞協會十週年慶祝年刊,厚重的年刊紀載排舞十年的歷史、感言、心得。沒有參加晚會的學員也可以向各教室的教練索取。希望排舞協會在大家的支持下,生生不息,永續發展,譲代代舞出健康!舞出快樂!舞出燦爛自信的人生! 林猛雄Mike Lin Mikelin1017@gmail.com
Charlie Chaw Chaw Tan-Back-side step saved my life.
I usually Line Dance and play Ping Pong for exercise and to make friends. When I started Line Dancing several years ago, our CLDAA head teacher Kico taught us many Line Dancing terminologies such as Shimmy Shimmy, Back side steps, Great America and many more. I always wonder how these Dance moves will have any meaning in my life.
One day at my Ping Pong place, all four of us were playing fast-paced Ping Pong. So it is quite normal for us to run back and forth in catching and returning Ping Pong balls. The two adjacent tables next to my table were also playing double. Between my partner and me, we only have a small space to run between the edge of the table and the back wall.
My opponent fast ball made me run back-paddling toward my back wall. Suddenly, something tripped both my legs. I remembered I was flying backward in the air with both feet dangling straight forward. A player from the next table had fallen and glided towards our side of the table. His long leg had caught both my legs. That basically flipped me backward with head first.
In split seconds, all my Line Dance warm-ups, routines, practices, competitions, training, and everything flashes through my mind. I remembered looking at part of the ceiling and part of the back wall while I was thrown backward. Then, something wonderful happens. The back-side step saved my life. So keep dancing and something good might come your way. Thank you CLDAA.
Linda Sun: There is a place I can go when I am happy; There is a place I can go when I feel lonely;
There is a place I can go when I like to dance; There is a place I can go when I need to relax.
CLDAA, you put smile on my face; CLDAA, you let me forget my age;
CLDAA, you are full of love; CLDAA, I get friends for life!
Grace Tam: I love music and dance. The line dance from CLDAA is good to have both. It also helps me to lower the blood pressure and keep in good posture.
Jennifer Lu: CLDAA makes me have a more active and energetic life.
Tess: A beautiful way to work out!
Christina Chan: CLDAA motivates me to move and exercise every week! Thank You!
Anne Ding: Joining CLDAA has been the best time and money investment I’ve ever made. It has brought strength and joy to my life! Thank you!
Keyan: Line Dance makes me more energetic and feel young!
Yvonne Wu: It has been great 8 years with CLDAA. It keeps me energetic and it’s fun!
Katie Wong: CLDAA has given me a lot of joy and fun in the past 5 years. I have enjoyed so much from learning all the dances. Thanks!
JC: Line Dance to help my health, to keep my body fit, to open my ears hearing beautiful rhythm. Thanks for our wonderful and best instructors. CLDAA brighten my life every day.
June Wong: I love CLDAA and it has transformed my life into a healthy and happy living life style, heartfelt thanks to you as the founder of this fabulous line dance club for the community that benefited many women like me. Not only have I picked up line dance as a hobby, I have met many new girlfriends and most importantly, a role model for all women, teacher Kico!
Martha Ho: C – charming, L – lovely, D – delightful, A – attractive, A – adorable
CLDAA has a group of Charming, Lovely, Delightful, Attractive and Adorable coaches.
CLDAA coaches teach all members how to be CLDAA like themselves.
I joined CLDAA in order to become CLDAA.
Best wishes to all and keep being Charming, Lovely, Delightful, Attractive and Adorable for another ten years!
Polly Hu: Dance Love Unity!Jane Doong: The CLDAA family has become such an integral part of my life. I look forward to each class, to each dance, and to each smiling coach. I am forever grateful to the dedication and patience of all the coaches, who have brought out the love of dancing in all of us. Thank you and Happy 10th!
ChiHsian Chung:During my four years of joining CLDAA line dance class, I notice that all classmates including myself look younger and happier year by year. 參加”加州排舞協會”四年中,我見証到我自己及同學們,每個人在心境和外表上,都一年比一年年輕。
David Wei: My name is 魏治華 (David Wei). People outside of CLDAA know me as the 24th 校聯會魏前會長 🙂 Looking at you always reminds me of my beautiful daughter in LA, and of course, my lovely granddaughter.I joined CLDAA a couple of years ago for a short few months and left.Now I turn 60 and decide to come back to dance for exercise in place of the boring gym. This time I find my passion in line dance and enjoyed every minute of it. Every good student needs a good teacher. What motivates me the most is the wonderful coach at Cupertino class– Joanna Lin, 葛光愛教練. She is joyful, patient, and humorous. Shedances so gracefully that I couldn’t keep my eyes off her while she isdemonstrating to us the dance steps. Now I dance happily and my health has dramatically improved!Just want to share my wonderful experience with you, and I couldn’t wait until our 10th anniversary party. Cheers!
Simon & Julie Lau 親愛的 Kico 會長及各位老師:Kico 老師和藹可親的笑容,雍容華貴的舞姿,誠懇熱心的態度,讓我們夫婦倆由衷的感謝!Linda 老師那近乎完美的身段,用不完的精力,投入、自然的舞姿,令人佩服及讚嘆不已。Peggy 老師無比的耐心,不厭其煩的指導,揮灑自如的舞步,讓我們不但能掌握重點,更引起學習的興趣。Letty 老師美妙、輕盈的舞姿,温婉優雅、態度認真,我們每次上課,都不敢怠慢、苟且。除了上述各位老師外,還有多位充滿熱誠、關懷我們的輔導老師,無怪CLDAA 能屹立於灣區十多年。感謝你們讓我們有一個鍛鍊身心,促進健康
Through the art of line dancing, CLDAA is promoting exercise, health and enjoyment for people of all ages.
“Dance for Health, Dance for Happiness, and Dance for a Colorful Life.
Every CLDAA member will need to be respectful of all other members, teachers and staff. CLDAA will not tolerate any physical or verbal abuse, including “name calling” or “bullying” by any member. If a member disrupts the harmony of the class, he/she will be asked to leave immediately. All members must also show respect to the class, teachers and property. CLDAA will not tolerate any intentional disruption of the class nor damage of the property. All CLDAA teachers will make sure the classroom is a safe and harmonic environment by upholding these rules and regulations. If a member does not abide by these rules they may be asked to discontinue dance classes permanently without a refund. At any time, CLDAA reserves the right to refuse service based on the above mentioned.