Charlie Chaw Chaw Tan-Back-side step saved my life.
I usually Line Dance and play Ping Pong for exercise and to make friends. When I started Line Dancing several years ago, our CLDAA head teacher Kico taught us many Line Dancing terminologies such as Shimmy Shimmy, Back side steps, Great America and many more. I always wonder how these Dance moves will have any meaning in my life.
One day at my Ping Pong place, all four of us were playing fast-paced Ping Pong. So it is quite normal for us to run back and forth in catching and returning Ping Pong balls. The two adjacent tables next to my table were also playing double. Between my partner and me, we only have a small space to run between the edge of the table and the back wall.My opponent fast ball made me run back-paddling toward my back wall. Suddenly, something tripped both my legs. I remembered I was flying backward in the air with both feet dangling straight forward. A player from the next table had fallen and glided towards our side of the table. His long leg had caught both my legs. That basically flipped me backward with head first.In split seconds, all my Line Dance warm-ups, routines, practices, competitions, training, and everything flashes through my mind. I remembered looking at part of the ceiling and part of the back wall while I was thrown backward. Then, something wonderful happens. The back-side step saved my life. So keep dancing and something good might come your way. Thank you CLDAA. - Linda Sun: There is a place I can go when I am happy; There is a place I can go when I feel lonely;
There is a place I can go when I like to dance; There is a place I can go when I need to relax.
CLDAA, you put smile on my face; CLDAA, you let me forget my age;
CLDAA, you are full of love; CLDAA, I get friends for life! - Grace Tam: I love music and dance. The line dance from CLDAA is good to have both. It also helps me to lower the blood pressure and keep in good posture.
- Jennifer Lu: CLDAA makes me have a more active and energetic life.
- Tess: A beautiful way to work out!
- Christina Chan: CLDAA motivates me to move and exercise every week! Thank You!
- Anne Ding: Joining CLDAA has been the best time and money investment I’ve ever made. It has brought strength and joy to my life! Thank you!
- Keyan: Line Dance makes me more energetic and feel young!
- Yvonne Wu: It has been great 8 years with CLDAA. It keeps me energetic and it’s fun!
- Katie Wong: CLDAA has given me a lot of joy and fun in the past 5 years. I have enjoyed so much from learning all the dances. Thanks!
- JC: Line Dance to help my health, to keep my body fit, to open my ears hearing beautiful rhythm. Thanks for our wonderful and best instructors. CLDAA brighten my life every day.
- June Wong: I love CLDAA and it has transformed my life into a healthy and happy living life style, heartfelt thanks to you as the founder of this fabulous line dance club for the community that benefited many women like me. Not only have I picked up line dance as a hobby, I have met many new girlfriends and most importantly, a role model for all women, teacher Kico!
- Martha Ho: C – charming, L – lovely, D – delightful, A – attractive, A – adorable
CLDAA has a group of Charming, Lovely, Delightful, Attractive and Adorable coaches.
CLDAA coaches teach all members how to be CLDAA like themselves.
I joined CLDAA in order to become CLDAA.
Best wishes to all and keep being Charming, Lovely, Delightful, Attractive and Adorable for another ten years! - Polly Hu: Dance Love Unity!Jane Doong: The CLDAA family has become such an integral part of my life. I look forward to each class, to each dance, and to each smiling coach. I am forever grateful to the dedication and patience of all the coaches, who have brought out the love of dancing in all of us. Thank you and Happy 10th!
- 金美莉: 謝謝CLDAA的老師和朋友陪我走過一段辛苦的日子. 現在,我活得更健康,心情更愉快.
- 何方: 加入CLDAA’s Lifetime Member是我人生中最正確的選擇. 從此走上這條健康,快樂的渾然忘我之路. 感謝老師的辛勤付出,讓我們有緣結識眾多姐妹.排舞協會,我的最愛!
- ChiHsian Chung:During my four years of joining CLDAA line dance class, I notice that all classmates including myself look younger and happier year by year. 參加”加州排舞協會”四年中,我見証到我自己及同學們,每個人在心境和外表上,都一年比一年年輕。
- Megan: 排舞之於我,成熟小女孩的甜蜜滋味。。。。。
- Wen Ku: 排舞讓我更年輕、更健康、更增進夫妻感情!
- Ruth K: 謝謝教練的教導和同學們的幫助,排舞讓我感覺更年青、更開心。祝排舞協會有更多美好的十年、二十年.
- Anita Ha: 謝謝CLDAA,跳排舞讓我身心愉快,保持年輕、健康、快樂!
- Lanny: 排舞,我的小三?!
- Julie & Simon: 誠心推薦:參加CLDAA 的排舞課,不僅可以維持身心健康,還可以增進伴侶的感情
- Shu-Chen: 衷心感謝教練們的有教無類以及同學們的互相切磋 !! Thanks again.
- Simon &Julie 親愛的 Kico 會長及各位老師:Kico 老師和藹可親的笑容,雍容華貴的舞姿,誠懇熱心的態度,讓我們夫婦倆由衷的感謝!Linda 老師那近乎完美的身段,用不完的精力,投入、自然的舞姿,令人佩服及讚嘆不已。Peggy 老師無比的耐心,不厭其煩的指導,揮灑自如的舞步,讓我們不但能掌握重點,更引起學習的興趣。Letty 老師美妙、輕盈的舞姿,溫婉優雅、態度認真,我們每次上課,都不敢怠慢、苟且。除了上述各位老師外,還有多位充滿熱誠、關懷我們的輔導老師,無怪 CLDAA 能屹立於灣區十多年。感謝你們讓我們有一個鍛鍊身心,促進健康的平台。
- Wai Lee Wong: Line Dancing classes at CLDAA are excellent and valuable exercises for our minds and bodies.
- Chi Chi Lin: “Dance for Health, Dance for Happiness and Dance for a Colorful Life.” “舞出健康,舞出快樂,舞出燦爛的人生”
- Wen Ku: Hi Wen, 要不要去跳” Line Dance”? 當下,我遲疑了一下, 我只聽過 “Lion Dance” – 莫非這位姐妹要我去”舞獅”或”跳獅舞”不成….噢!原來是此”Line”而非彼”Lion”,”排舞”是也.想想孩子們漸漸長大,我想能有一點屬於自己的娛樂和空間,也未嘗不好. 開始上課後,雖然常常在轉方向時與資深的學員有著面對面的窘境,但很快的隨著音樂節奏的舞動而化尷尬為無形. 雖然自己的舞技不咋地,但每次上課卻能陶醉在音樂的旋律中,學舞的同時也享受著欣賞老師們優雅和動感的舞姿,何樂不為?在家有時放CD練習舞步, Teenage 的兒女不約而同的說他們也常聽這些歌. 頓時覺得自己也是個跟得上潮流的媽媽,和孩子們之間的距離無形中又拉近了許多.學排舞多年,我經年的腰痛減輕許多,因此也鼓勵先生一起來跳排舞. 剛開始他覺得擺臀扭腰的舞步比較適合女性,不適合沒腰身的男生.但我卻認為運動,尤其是舞蹈應是全身性的協調練習.就好比功夫panda跳舞,一樣可圈可點.只要是以健身為目的,無需不好意思,盡力而為,開心就好.更何況每個學員都專心學舞,根本無暇注意他人的舞姿.先生抱著辜姑且一試的心情來”運動”,沒想到一跳排舞卻舞出了他大學時代對土風舞狂熱的序曲.現在,他執著排舞的程度真可用-愛不釋”腳”-來形容.上課時,老師指導不出二次,他就能將舞序記下.在家,我教他燒菜卻能讓我說上七遍仍不得其門而入.但看著他從學排舞前,下班後不是看電腦就是看電視的沙發馬鈴薯到現在因為練習排舞而日益減少的中圍尺碼,身為矽谷人妻的我,還是要繼續給老公加油和鼓勵.轉眼,我參加排舞已近八年,常看周圍的同學們,幾乎看不出歲月在她(他)們的身上留下的痕跡.每次上課大家手足舞蹈的跟著節拍起舞,每位學員不但心態連體態都仍給人熱情洋溢的感覺.我常常在心中默許,希望藉助排舞將健康的體能一直保持下去.寫及此,不禁覺得,排舞就像是使人保持青春健康的一道彩妝,常與排舞為伍,不但輕鬆,自然,更能令人愉悅.感謝美國加州排舞協會讓我們能與舞結緣,更向-舞出健康,舞出快樂,舞出燦爛的人生-目標邁進. CLDAA, 讚!
- Catherine Chen徐秋容-運動人生從2007年愚人節當天來加州排舞協會加入及上課,起先每週只上課一天. 到現在的每週上課三天已有七年了. 在這段期間體驗到加卅排舞協會的理念實在有遠見!在此先謝謝Kico 老師有先見之明,提供我們場地,在固定時間以全新設計的舞步來訓練我們的記憶力,也譲每個人在美妙的音樂中享受運動的好處,以防止患上老人痴呆症. 更譲每位同學得以減肥,更讓我們的生活増色不少!感恩!近年來專家及醫生建議每個人每周至少要運動五天,如此每個人可以自由及快樂地過曰子!
在排舞上課後認識了好多好姐妹,更在Cupertino 組成”Coffee Club”, 每星期曰在跳完排舞後就固定去喝咖啡. 大家的感情持續增厚!更在每季去不同的餐廳及好玩的地點去散心及替當季過生曰的姐妹提供生曰的場地及同樂. 日子過得太棒了!近年來很多專家及文章都勸告女性們應當有至少100 個姐妹淘!如此能夠身體健康且愉快的過曰子. 不會給任何人增添麻煩!
把加卅排舞協會內認識的所有朋友及 Coffee Club 內的姐妹們加起來很快就超過100 個姐妹淘!
所以要再次感激Kico 老師及所有勞苦功高的教練和助教們的用心良苦!讓大家一起感情交流及運動. 一擧數得!更有機會參加卅排舞協會擧辦的cruise 共三次. 每次都與所有參加的學員們一起玩的非常儘興,這也是一種緣份!又經由排舞協會同學們的相互交流而認識了帶我入門學縫紉的吳老師及一起做衣服的同學們. 至今已有四年多歷史了. 從完全沒有做衣服的概念,至體驗到自己設計衣服的樂趣,更穿上自己設計的舞衣去上課,與同學一起享受美麗的色澤及衣服. 每次都有同學問我,這是妳自己做的嗎?好漂亮!自成一格,沒有人的會穿與妳的相同!聽了之後,就完全忘記了完工前拆掉車錯部分的錯折及心灰意懶!更加有成就感!
做衣服時,吳老師常對我説,妳是”初生之犢不怕虎”!因為每次設計新舞衣時, 常胡思亂想,老師常説,簡單的不做,專挑困難的做. 我的答覆是— 這樣比較有挑戰性! 日子過的比較有意義!能穿上自己設計的漂亮舞衣,自愉愉人,何樂不為!下面的綠色服裝(圖一)是在攝影師的要求下才臨時決定自己動手做. 而是從下午5點多開始剪布,用縫紉機來做衣
服,直到早上一點才完成的,更因日光節約時間而少睡了一小時. 完成後自己也很驕傲!借以留做紀念.
大家一起”舞出健康,舞出快樂,舞出彩色的人生”! - David Wei: My name is 魏治華 (David Wei). People outside of CLDAA know me as the 24th 校聯會魏前會長 🙂 Looking at you always reminds me of my beautiful daughter in LA, and of course, my lovely granddaughter.I joined CLDAA a couple of years ago for a short few months and left.Now I turn 60 and decide to come back to dance for exercise in place of the boring gym. This time I find my passion in line dance and enjoyed every minute of it. Every good student needs a good teacher. What motivates me the most is the wonderful coach at Cupertino class– Joanna Lin, 葛光愛教練. She is joyful, patient, and humorous. Shedances so gracefully that I couldn’t keep my eyes off her while she isdemonstrating to us the dance steps. Now I dance happily and my health has dramatically improved!Just want to share my wonderful experience with you, and I couldn’t wait until our 10th anniversary party. Cheers!
- Simon & Julie Lau 親愛的 Kico 會長及各位老師:Kico 老師和藹可親的笑容,雍容華貴的舞姿,誠懇熱心的態度,讓我們夫婦倆由衷的感謝!Linda 老師那近乎完美的身段,用不完的精力,投入、自然的舞姿,令人佩服及讚嘆不已。Peggy 老師無比的耐心,不厭其煩的指導,揮灑自如的舞步,讓我們不但能掌握重點,更引起學習的興趣。Letty 老師美妙、輕盈的舞姿,温婉優雅、態度認真,我們每次上課,都不敢怠慢、苟且。除了上述各位老師外,還有多位充滿熱誠、關懷我們的輔導老師,無怪CLDAA 能屹立於灣區十多年。感謝你們讓我們有一個鍛鍊身心,促進健康