Kico Lin 林貴香 會長

Kico Lin is a multi-talented, enthusiastic and altruistic individual. She is the owner of Jo-Lin development Co., which deals with property development and property purchase. She is also a real estate broker for her second venture, Kicolin Realty, which is involved in property brokerage and commercial loans. In addition to her core real estate endeavors, Kico is also involved in many other aspects of business including ownership of almond orchards, providing commercial building lease services, business opportunity brokerage and property management.
Despite her successful career and very hectic schedule, she has devoted her time and efforts to giving back to the community. She is active in community service organizations such as "An Income of Her Own," HOPE Rehabilitation, Lucille Salter Packard foundation at Stanford Children's Hospital, San Jose Senior Center, The Crosscultural Community Service Center (CCSC) and is the founder of the California Line Dance Assocation of America (CLDAA). Moreover, she has been an aerobic, jazz and line dance instructor for almost 20 years and has built a large following of fellow dancers who dance for their health as well as community service functions across the Bay Area.

美國加州排舞協會的創辦人 林貴香會長 是一位優秀, 熱心和無私的人。她所擁有的 Jo-Lin 開發公司, 經辦房地產開發和物產購買等業務。她的第二事業 - 不動產經紀人, 著重經辦房地產經纪及商務貸款。而她除了房地產事業的核心, 還參與許多其他方面的業務, 包括杏仁果樹園歸屬, 提供商業租地造屋權服務、商機發行家和物產管理。
儘管她成功的事業和非常緊湊的日程表, 她仍用她的時間和精力來回饋社會。活躍於許多社區服務組織, 譬如 "An Income of Her Own," OPE Rehabilitation, Lucille Salter Packard 斯坦福兒童醫院, 聖約瑟老人中心, Crosscultural 社區服務中心(CCSC) 並且是美國加州排舞協會的創建者(CLDAA) 。 而且, 她是有氧, 爵士樂和排舞的指導教練, 近 20 年來帶動隨後參與的大批舞蹈同好者, 將 "舞出健康,舞出快樂,舞出燦爛的人生"  的健康理念遍及全灣區。